Jim Jeffries tweeted this challenge:

Anyone fancy having a go at a coding exercise I’ve written up and giving me some feedback?

The tweet included a link to a Google Docs article, and for your convenience, here’s what it says:

Estimated Duration: 1-3 hours
Author: James Jeffries
Language(s)/stacks: Any
A roulette wheel has numbers from 0 to 36. A spin of the wheel takes 20 seconds and leaves the ball on a random number. Design and implement a roulette wheel using TDD. Think about how using time and random numbers affects your design. Consider how much functionality each test covers and what responsibilities you are testing.

Chet and I chatted about it briefly, and didn’t see that there was much of anything to use TDD on. Seemed like a call to a random number generator and the clock. With nothing pressing, I decided to give it a go in Codea Lua for the iPad, one of my favorite little toys.

Because I wasn’t expecting much of anything to happen, I didn’t do my usual thing of writing an article in parallel with the program. Instead, I embedded comments as I went along, saying what I was thinking. I’ll include the final program below but will extract and elaborate on the comments here.

Just to get the ball rolling1, I connected to CodeaUnit and wrote this starting test of the random number generator, not to see if it was random, but to be sure I was calling it correctly:

    Do I want to test whether I can get a random number 
    between 0 and 36?
    when called with two integer arguments, minimum and maximum, 
    returns a uniform pseudo-random integer 
    in the range [minimum, maximum].
    Well, truth is, I've had a lot of trouble 
    with random numbers being off by one. 
    So maybe ...
    _:test("random", function()
        local min = 100
        local max = -100
        for i = 0, 1000 do
            local r = math.random(0,36)
            if r < min then min = r end
            if r > max then max = r end

This worked, as I had rather anticipated. But now I had the testing framework in place, so I would have less resistance to writing more tests, I hoped. The only other thing the program does that I wasn’t sure about was to check elapsed time, so as to have the ball bounce around for 20 seconds. I tried to write a test for that and wound up with this:

    _:test("elapsed time", function()
        local start = os.time()
        local elapsed = ElapsedTime
        while ElapsedTime- elapsed < 20 do
        local stop = os.time()
        local not19 = (stop-start) > 19
        local not21 = (stop-start) < 21

That test loops forever. It took me a long time to decide that was what was happening, because Codea never gets to the draw page at all for some reason. Anyway I finally figured out that what was going on what that since the test runs in a single draw cycle, ElapsedTime isn’t updated: it’s only updated on each draw cycle, since that’s really the only time you’re supposed to be running.

Well that was boring, and I can see no way to test the ElapsedTime feature in a unit test. Just to be ornery, I wrote this into the Main draw function:

    function draw()
        background(40, 40, 50)
        local s = string.format("%f", ElapsedTime)
        text(s, 100,100)

As expected, it displays an increasing float on the screen, which seems to add 1 to the integer part approximately every second.

I was tired of screwing around and decided just to code up a RouletteWheel class.

--# Main
-- Roulette

function setup()
    Wheel = RouletteWheel()
    parameter.action("Spin", function()

function draw()
    background(40, 40, 50)

RouletteWheel = class()

function RouletteWheel:init()
    self.slot = 0
    self.bouncing = false

function RouletteWheel:draw()
    local display = "Paying: %d"
    if self.bouncing then
        display = "Bounce: %d"
    local show = string.format(display, self.slot)
    text(show, 500, 500)

function RouletteWheel:spin()
    self.bouncing = true
    self.bounceStart = ElapsedTime
    self.spinStart = ElapsedTime

function RouletteWheel:bounce()
    if ElapsedTime - self.bounceStart < 0.1 then return end
    self.bounceStart = ElapsedTime
    self.slot = math.random(0,36)
    if ElapsedTime - self.spinStart > 5 then self.bouncing = false end

Basically this just worked. The only real problem I had was that I coded the Spin button wrong, and it called spin() right away instead of waiting. For some reason, which I didn’t look into, the game then seemed to run and never stop. Fixing the parameter setup caused the program to work correctly.

Looking at the code, I can see some complexity there that could have gone wrong, although it happens that it didn’t. The time handling is a bit tricky with ElapsedTime - self.bounceStart and all that. One could have done the subtract backwards, gotten the comparisons wrong, used the wrong variables.

I guess if I wanted to test those, I’d have to call wheel:spin() and wheel:draw() from my tests, and then interrogate the values of the various member variables and functions. Maybe I should have done that.

Bottom line, I didn’t do much testing, and I didn’t get in much trouble. The trouble I did get into mostly seemed like tests wouldn’t have helped. But I’m not sure, so I guess I’ll do the exercise again soon and then try to figure out what I like and don’t like about the two ways of proceeding. I’ll try not to remember what I did here, and probably I’ll do it another way just because of the testing.

Stay tuned!

Here’s all the code just in case you want to see it as a unit.

--# Main
-- Roulette

Jim Jeffries exercise:
Estimated Duration: 1-3 hours
Author: James Jeffries
Language(s)/stacks: Any
A roulette wheel has numbers from 0 to 36. 
A spin of the wheel takes 20 seconds 
and leaves the ball on a random number.
Design and implement a roulette wheel using TDD. 
Think about how using time and random numbers affects your design. 
Consider how much functionality each test covers 
and what responsibilities you are testing.

function setup()
    Wheel = RouletteWheel()
    parameter.action("Spin", function()

function draw()
    background(40, 40, 50)

--# RouletteTest
CodeaUnit.detailed = true

_:describe("Roulette Tests", function()
    _:test("hookup", function()
    _:test("random", function()
        local min = 100
        local max = -100
        for i = 0, 1000 do
            local r = math.random(0,36)
            if r < min then min = r end
            if r > max then max = r end

    --[[ can't run this, loops forever
    _:test("elapsed time", function()
        local start = os.time()
        local elapsed = ElapsedTime
        while ElapsedTime- elapsed < 20 do
        local stop = os.time()
        local not19 = (stop-start) > 19
        local not21 = (stop-start) < 21
-- RouletteWheel

RouletteWheel = class()

function RouletteWheel:init()
    self.slot = 0
    self.bouncing = false

function RouletteWheel:draw()
    local display = "Paying: %d"
    if self.bouncing then
        display = "Bounce: %d"
    local show = string.format(display, self.slot)
    text(show, 500, 500)

function RouletteWheel:spin()
    self.bouncing = true
    self.bounceStart = ElapsedTime
    self.spinStart = ElapsedTime

function RouletteWheel:bounce()
    if ElapsedTime - self.bounceStart < 0.1 then return end
    self.bounceStart = ElapsedTime
    self.slot = math.random(0,36)
    if ElapsedTime - self.spinStart > 5 then self.bouncing = false end
  1. Sorry.