The Nature of Software Development will be released Real Soon Now. Pragmatic Bookshelf and I are looking for reviewers, who will receive a free copy. Inquire within.

I can have a dozen copies sent out to would-be reviewers. Naturally, both Pragmatic and I are interested in favorable reviews, “coming from well-known and credible influencers, whose reviews will reach a broad audience”. (I quote from the instructions they sent me. If you’re not one of those, don’t give up. Read on …)

You can see a bit about Nature in my earlier announcement article and read extracts on the Pragmatic site, under the Contents/Extracts tab. (Open those in a new tab, that’s my advice.)

If you like what you see, and would be willing to publish a review on your blog or web site, please drop me an email (ronjeffries at acm dot org), and let me know. Please include a link to your site so I can check it out.

But wait! What if you’re not a “well-known and credible influencer”? If you have a site and like what you see and would like to review the book, please drop me a note anyway. I will pick six applicants based on whatever actual criteria I can gin up, something akin to “WAG”. And I will pick six entirely at random.

Naturally, our hope is that these free copies will each help generate multiple sales of the book. Let me be clear that that’s the purpose, and if you’re OK with that, please do write. You could be one of the lucky winners!

And finally, all my readers should feel free to purchase one or more copies. I’ve not seen the paper one yet but I expect it to be quite nice, based on what I’ve seen so far.
