About Us
XProgramming.com is a resource for information about Extreme Programming (XP), the exciting new streamlined software development process originally described by Kent Beck. XProgramming.com is offered as a community resource for those interested in XP and related topics.
On XProgramming.com, you’ll find current articles about the state of XP, techniques, tips, and experience reports. You’ll find XP-oriented testing frameworks and software. You’ll find historically significant documents like the original C3 papers, which now seem harsh and overstated, but which capture the spirit of that exciting first XP project. And you’ll find passionate – and sometimes, we hope, humorous – expression of what XP means to people who care about it.
Articles and contributions are welcomed. Check with us via email for our current favorite input formats.
Finally, direct questions about XP, our services, and related topics are welcome via email, though of course you may also wish to use the mailing list or newsgroup listed on our links page.
Welcome! Ron Jeffries Editor, XProgramming.com
Contact Information
I get about 300 spam e-mails every day. A Bayesian mail filter, POPFile, puts most of these into a folder for suspected spam. Once in a while an email that should reach me goes into that folder. I check the items before deleting, but there are a lot of them and there’s a chance your mail will be missed. Any email with the string [ron] in the subject will bypass the filter. (The square brackets should be included.) Here are some options:
- Ron JeffriesUse this one for inquiries about consulting, general questions, conference proposals, article ideas, and so on.
- Software Link SubmissionUse this one to offer links for the downloads page. Please include, in the body of the email, the html shown on the download page.
- Site SuggestionsPlease use this one for site suggestions.
If All Else Fails
Email ronjeffries at acm dot org and put [ron] in the subject line.