(Jul 25, 2022)
Usage changes. Language is usage. Language changes, not necessarily for the better, in my opinion.
(Jun 10, 2021)
Let's pretend we care about that inefficiency in drawingOrder. Also a momentary loss of momentum.
(Jun 9, 2021)
I don't usually predict an outcome but today I think something good is going to happen. Let's find out.
(Jun 8, 2021)
Today, more refactoring to remove connections between dungeon objects and their tiles. And, as always, some thinking.
(Jun 7, 2021)
Two starting ideas: Quest, and removing duplication in the dungeon objects. These are not unrelated. And: as so often happens, we go in a surprising direction.
(May 31, 2021)
Let's set some direction. I'm concerned that I'm off track on what is of value to work on. Possibly it's residual fear from decades ago.
(May 29, 2021)
I think we'll do a bit more on our 'Making App', the part of our code that helps us make the 'Shipping App', the product we ship. (We decide to bless this effort.)
(May 28, 2021)
One more challenge in the class/method finder, then maybe we'll think about what we actually need in our Making App.
(May 27, 2021)
I've had an idea about a change--perhaps an improvement--to the class/method reporter. As I write this, even I don't know what happens next.
(May 26, 2021)
More work on our nascent Making App. Dave1707 has some interesting tricks in his programs. And we have a fine small example of refactoring 'legacy' code.
(May 25, 2021)
Dave1707 from the Codea forum provided an interesting program. I would like to bring it under control.
(Apr 27, 2021)
Dave1707 wrote a nice demo showing how to get project information in Codea. Let's think about what it tells us. No code, just think
(Feb 13, 2021)
A new day dawns. New chai. Consolation from the Zoom Ensemble. Technical debt. And another run at combat.
(Sep 14, 2020)
In which our intrepid author makes a grievous error: disagreeing with Kent Beck. Or does he?
(Aug 18, 2020)
Today we'll try to fix the collision logic to accommodate our origin changes, and to make the invaders explode.
(Nov 24, 2019)
Some thoughts from Twitter on 'technical debt', what it is, what it isn't, and why we avoid it.
(Apr 13, 2019)
A couple of people asked me to list all the technical skills required in order to do Agile Software Development. I can't do that, but I can do this.
(Apr 2, 2019)
YAGNI can be a legitimate way to go fast at minimal cost. Skimping on the practices that support YAGNI? That's a mistake. Technical Debt? Not the same thing.
(Mar 31, 2019)
Some words and pictures about the various notions of 'technical debt', or, as I like to call it, wishful thinking.
(Feb 19, 2017)
I've been trying to learn a 3D drawing program. Yesterday I noticed that I was working but not learning.
(May 27, 2016)
Over the past few days, an ancient twitter thread accidentally revived, talking about how you don't need quality code when you're just validating assumptions. What do the ants have to say about that?
(Nov 9, 2015)
In which we discuss the technical debt metaphor, bright code, and the inevitable decline of civilization.
(Jul 30, 2014)
There has recently been a lot of noise on the lists, and questions at conferences, about putting refactoring "stories" on the backlog. Even if "technical debt" has grown up, this is invariably an inferior idea.