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I’m really sure we’ll get the WorldEntity at least built and tested, and very likely put into play. Or my name’s not Bonzo Calrissian. A long road but a simple one. One skipped test and had to update the demo.

It seemed necessary, yesterday, to remove the world pointer from the information shared between World and Bot, and doing so used up my session time. Today, by gum, we’ll start on TDDing our WorldEntity, and with a little bit of luck, and whatever skill I can muster, we might even get it installed. Let’s find out.

The WorldEntity needs to contain all the information that the World knows about the entities it contains, and in the case of Bots, it must package that information up into a dictionary, to be transferred over to the Bot on the client side. We currently use an actual instance of Bot or Block on the world side. If I’m not mistaken. Since I might be, let’s find out.

In Map:

    def place_at(self, entity, drop_location):
        if self.location_is_open(drop_location):
            entity.location = drop_location
            return True
            return False

    def place(self, entity):
        self.contents[] = entity

Senders include:

class World:
    def drop_forward(self, bot, entity):
        if, bot.forward_location()):

Senders of that:

class World:
    def command(self, action, bot_id, parameter=None):
        world_bot =
        if action == 'step':
        elif action == 'take':
        elif action == 'drop':
            block =
            self.drop_forward(world_bot, block)
        elif action == 'turn':
            self.set_direction(world_bot, parameter)
            raise Exception('Unknown command')

Not as helpful as it might be. Let’s look at the DirectConnection, since everything goes through there.

class DirectConnection:
    def add_bot(self, x, y):
        from bot import Bot
        id =, y)
        client_bot = Bot(x, y) = id
        return client_bot

Ah, that’s more informative.

    def add_world_bot(self, x, y, direction = Direction.EAST):
        bot = Bot(x, y, direction)

    def add(self, entity):
        World.next_id += 1 = World.next_id

So here we see that, as expected, we are creating a new instance of Bot, to match the other one, and saving it in the map. We return it to the DC so that the DC can update the client bot which it has created. (Of course, in the fullness of time, when we put an actual wire in between World and client, there’ll be a bit more rigmarole here, but the information is available.)

While we’re at it, what happens when a block is added? They are created by direct calls to World.add, and they’re only ever created in tests and in the game demo code. And the actual entity is passed.

I think we’ll focus on the Bot case. We need to look now at how the information is transferred from world to client. That’s also in DC:

class DirectConnection:
    def update_client(self, bot):
        result_dict =

Thinking client-server, the first line here gets the result_dict on the server side, and then magically updates the client bot on the client side. There’s a wire or fiber or something in between those lines. But we’re here to see how the update happens:

class Knowledge:
    def update(self, update_dictionary):
        self.direction = update_dictionary['direction']
        self.receive(update_dictionary['held_entity']) = update_dictionary['id']
        self.location = update_dictionary['location']
        self._scent = update_dictionary['scent'] = update_dictionary['vision']

I think we will likely see some trouble around the receive and held_entity. But perhaps not. We’ll see. I’ve made a note of it.

I think we’re almost ready to start. But let’s reflect:

Preparation is Important

Before we undertake any development, even though we may have what seems like a clear idea of what needs to be done, it seems to me to be prudent to review the code related to our proposed change. It seems to me that something I hadn’t thought of always pops up, and even if nothing jumps out at me, it’s better to be a bit more fresh on the details.

Now let’s get to it.

Rough Plan

It is now clear that the WorldEntity needs to contain at least the half-dozen bits of information in the update above. I propose that we create a small object covering a dictionary just like the one expected above, with access methods covering the details. And I propose to TDD the thing, because such a central object deserves some tests and because I think proceeding at the TDD pace will keep me from doing anything too weird.

Round Tuit

In file

class TestWorldEntity:
    def test_hookup(self):
        assert False

Red bar! Perfect. I don’t plan to write a lot of tests here, but instead to write tests that refer to all the methods and keys. We’ll see how that looks. But I will go in small steps. To begin:

class WorldEntity:

class TestWorldEntity:
    def test_create(self):

Green. Let’s assume, at our peril, that this is going to work. We’ll commit: Initial test and class.

My first real test:

    def test_set_and_fetch(self):
        entity = WorldEntity() = 102
        assert == 102

I am more than a little surprised when this passes. After a moment I realize that I have just monkey-patched my new object to have an id. How do we make an object immutable? It looks a bit tricky. I’ll make a note to look into it.

Let’s write a validation method that can fail for us.

class TestWorldEntity:
    def is_valid(self, entity):
            assert entity._dict['id'] ==
            return True
        except KeyError:
            return False

    def test_create(self):

    def test_set_and_fetch(self):
        entity = WorldEntity() = 102
        assert == 102
        assert self.is_valid(entity)

I propose to add the fields, one by one, to the test, and then to the object. Test fails.

class WorldEntity:
    def __init__(self):
        self._dict = dict()

    def id(self):
        return self._dict['id']

    def id(self, value):
        self._dict['id'] = value

Green. Commit: WorldEntity has dictionary and id. Now I should be able to just tick through these. But I do want to take a look at how the World accesses all those items now. It seems to use property assignments except for the take_forward where it sends receive to the Bot (and thus to our nascent WorldEntity). So be it:

My next test tells me that I need to change my process. I have this now, failing:

class TestWorldEntity:
    def is_valid(self, entity):
            assert entity._dict['id'] ==
            assert entity._dict['direction'] == entity.direction
            return True
        except KeyError:
            return False

    def test_set_and_fetch(self):
        entity = WorldEntity() = 102
        assert == 102
        entity.direction = Direction.EAST
        assert entity.direction == Direction.EAST
        assert self.is_valid(entity)

Now, PyCharm does warn me that there is no attribute direction but if I don’t extent the is_valid my tests will pass, because monkey-patching. I really want to know how to make this thing immutable. Anyway, I’ll add all the checks to the is_valid and accept that I’ll get a new failure each time until I’m done.

class TestWorldEntity:
    def is_valid(self, entity):
    def is_valid(self, entity):
        assert entity._dict['id'] ==
        assert entity._dict['direction'] == entity.direction
        assert entity._dict['location'] == entity.location
        assert entity._dict['scent'] == entity.scent
        assert entity._dict['vision'] ==
        return True

I’m not sure what I want to do about the held entity yet. So we’ll do the others, get them out of the way.

I have this much running:

class TestWorldEntity:
    def is_valid(self, entity):
        assert entity._dict['id'] ==
        assert entity._dict['direction'] == entity.direction
        assert entity._dict['location'] == entity.location
        assert entity._dict['scent'] == entity.scent
        assert entity._dict['vision'] ==
        return True

    def test_create(self):

    def test_set_and_fetch(self):
        entity = WorldEntity() = 102
        assert == 102
        entity.direction = Direction.EAST
        assert entity.direction == Direction.EAST
        entity.location = Location(6,4)
        assert entity.location == Location(6,4)
        entity.scent = 37
        assert entity.scent == 37 = []
        assert == []
        assert self.is_valid(entity)

class WorldEntity:
    def __init__(self):
        self._dict = dict()

    def id(self):
        return self._dict['id']

    def id(self, value):
        self._dict['id'] = value

    # and so on for all the accessors shown.

Commit: WorldEntity has all accessors but does not have receive yet.

I’ve been waffling on the notion of holding for what seems like all time now. The issue in my mind is the likelihood that we’ll be able to hold more than one thing. Let’s just settle that once and for all. Maybe like this:

class WorldEntity:
    def holding(self):
        return self._dict['holding']

    def holding(self, value):
        self._dict['holding'] = value

    def receive(self, entity):
        self.holding = entity

    def test_set_and_fetch(self):
        entity = WorldEntity() = 102
        assert == 102
        entity.direction = Direction.EAST
        assert entity.direction == Direction.EAST
        entity.location = Location(6,4)
        assert entity.location == Location(6,4)
        assert entity.holding == "hello"
        entity.scent = 37
        assert entity.scent == 37 = []
        assert == []
        assert self.is_valid(entity)

That’s green. Commit: added receive method, and holding property

Now I think we need whatever method we use to fetch. Currently:

class World:
    def fetch(self, entity_id):

We should be telling the entity to produce its dictionary, not the knowledge.

    def fetch(self, entity_id):

Tests break of course, and:

    def as_dictionary(self):
        return self._knowledge.as_dictionary()

Green again. Just forwarding … but now our new entity can also implement as_dictionary with impunity. Commit: push as_dictionary up to Entity.

So we test that in:

    def test_set_and_fetch(self):
        entity = WorldEntity() = 102
        assert == 102
        entity.direction = Direction.EAST
        assert entity.direction == Direction.EAST
        entity.location = Location(6,4)
        assert entity.location == Location(6,4)
        assert entity.holding == "hello"
        entity.scent = 37
        assert entity.scent == 37 = []
        assert == []
        assert self.is_valid(entity)
        assert entity.as_dictionary() is entity._dict

class WorldEntity:
    def as_dictionary(self):
        return self._dict

Green. Commit: as_dictionary

Quick, not too dirty. I think we’re ready to try plugging this baby in. Surely something will break.

If we were to change our add bot code wouldn’t that be what we need?

    def add_bot(self, x, y, direction = Direction.EAST):
        id = self.add_world_bot(x, y, direction)
        returned_bot = Bot(x, y, direction) = id
        return returned_bot

    def add_world_bot(self, x, y, direction = Direction.EAST):
        bot = Bot(x, y, direction)

I almost got ahead of myself. We need to move our new class out of the test file and off into a file of its own. Commit: move WorldEntity to own file.

And now, what breaks when we do this:

class World:
    def add_bot(self, x, y, direction = Direction.EAST):
        id = self.add_world_bot(x, y, direction)
        returned_bot = WorldEntity(x, y, direction) = id
        return returned_bot

Lots of things. Let’s see if we can work thru them. First of all, we don’t have a constructor with x, y, direction.

I think I’d be happier with a constructor class method here, but we’re on thin ice, so we’ll skate a bit faster than we should. It may turn out that right here should be the end of this article.

class WorldEntity:
    def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, direction=None):
        self._dict = dict()
        if x is not None:
            self.location = Location(x, y)
            self.direction = direction

Still lots of breaking tests. Let’s see if there is a common cause. I suspect name might be one of them.

    def test_wandering(self):
        world = World(10, 10)
        client_bot = world.add_bot(5, 5)
>       client_bot.do_something(DirectConnection(world))
E       AttributeError: 'WorldEntity' object has no attribute 'do_something'

How did we get a WorldEntity in our client_bot? Oh I did it all in the wrong place!

    def add_bot(self, x, y, direction = Direction.EAST):
        id = self.add_world_bot(x, y, direction)
        returned_bot = Bot(x, y, direction) = id
        return returned_bot

    def add_world_bot(self, x, y, direction = Direction.EAST):
        bot = WorldEntity(x, y, direction)

That brings the errors down to 11 from 20.

    def step(self, bot: Bot):
>, bot.forward_location())  # changes world version
E       AttributeError: 'WorldEntity' object has no attribute 'forward_location'

OK, this seems legit. We’re going to need to give our entity all the special support methods. We’ll swing with this for a while.

class WorldEntity:
    def forward_location(self):
        return self.location + self.direction

Still 11 failing.

E  AttributeError: 'WorldEntity' object has no attribute 'name'

I think we can return ‘R’ as the name, but remember, we are assuming trouble may lurk in the Block area, because our Entity currently only covers Bots.

    def name(self):
        return 'R'

Still 11. Not too surprised, I think we’ll have to patch in all the bot stuff before this works.

E  AttributeError: 'WorldEntity' object has no attribute 'x'

It’s a fair cop.

    def x(self):
        return self.location.x

    def y(self):
        return self.location.y

I should mention that all these errors are coming from inside do_somethign, which I think is good news. And now this error:

    def update(self, update_dictionary):
        self.direction = update_dictionary['direction']
>       self.receive(update_dictionary['held_entity'])
E       KeyError: 'held_entity'

Ah. We need to return a None, I think. We’re going to need some kind of dropping logic as well, I suspect.

    def holding(self):
            return self._dict['holding']
        except KeyError:
            return None

Still 11 failing. I had some hope for that one. Oh, that code above in the update. That’s unwinding the dictionary. We need at least to use the same name, held_entity rather than holding. Change the WorldEntity this time.

    def holding(self):
            return self._dict['held_entity']
        except KeyError:
            return None

    def holding(self, value):
        self._dict['held_entity'] = value


We’ve gone a long time with tests broken. But we seem just to be ticking through things that need to be added to the new entity. Could we have gone through and made a list and made it look like we knew what we’re doing. Possibly. But so far, I’d rather have the computer remind me of what is needed.

However, if we hit a stumper, we’ll need to consider rolling back. I’m alert to that possibility.

Still 11 tests. And still this same error:

    def update(self, update_dictionary):
        self.direction = update_dictionary['direction']
>       self.receive(update_dictionary['held_entity'])
E       KeyError: 'held_entity'

I think we have to stop looking into the dictionary for that if it isn’t there. Or we need to be sure that it’s there … Let’s try this:

class WorldEntity:
    def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, direction=None):
        self._dict = dict()
        if x is not None:
            self.location = Location(x, y)
            self.direction = direction
        self.holding = None

Errors drop to 5! That’s good news. (And that’s not five factorial, that’s excitement.)

    def update(self, update_dictionary):
        self.direction = update_dictionary['direction']
        self.receive(update_dictionary['held_entity']) = update_dictionary['id']
        self.location = update_dictionary['location']
>       self._scent = update_dictionary['scent']
E       KeyError: 'scent'

I think we’d best init that as well. Tests failing drops to 4. This next one is nasty:

    def test_bot_notices_a_block(self):
        world = World(10, 10)
        client_bot = world.add_bot(5, 5)
        client_bot.state._energy = Knowledge.energy_threshold
        client_bot.direction_change_chance = 0
        real_bot =
        real_bot.direction_change_chance = 0
        real_bot.state._energy = Knowledge.energy_threshold
        block = Block(7, 5)
        assert isinstance(client_bot.state, Looking)
        assert client_bot.has(block)

Look at how that hammers both the client bot and the world bot. That can’t be good. I’m going to mark that to skip and see what else we have.

> = update_dictionary['vision']
E       KeyError: 'vision'

Yes, let’s init vision in WorldEntity:

class WorldEntity:
    def __init__(self, x=None, y=None, direction=None):
        self._dict = dict()
        if x is not None:
            self.location = Location(x, y)
            self.direction = direction
        self.holding = None
        self.scent = 0 = []

Only two failing …

>  assert world_bot.has(block)
E  AttributeError: 'WorldEntity' object has no attribute 'has'

Hm, how does that work in the existing bot?

class Bot:
    def has(self, entity):
        return self._knowledge.has(entity)

class Knowledge:
    def has(self, entity):
        return entity == self._held_entity

We’ll try that, but I have concerns. We should probably really be holding just the id here.

class WorldEntity:
    def has(self, entity):
        return self.holding is entity

Only one test failing.

    def drop_forward(self, bot, entity):
        if, bot.forward_location()):
>           bot.remove(entity)
E           AttributeError: 'WorldEntity' object has no attribute 'remove'

I feel relief. No surprise here.

class WorldEntity:
    def remove(self, entity):
        if self.holding is entity:
            self.holding = None

And we are green, my pretties! Excuse me while I prepare a celebratory iced chai latte.

We could legit commit this. In fact, let’s do. Commit: World uses WorldEntity for Bots.

Now let’s run the game. I expect it to work but one never knows, do one?

  File "/Users/ron/PycharmProjects/hbiots_reclone/", line 92, in run_one_bot_cycle
AttributeError: 'WorldEntity' object has no attribute 'do_something'

Well ain’t that just a poke in the eye. At a quick look, this will be a bit tricky to fix. Until we do, the demo is broken.

I am confident, however, that it’s because the game does some seriously out of date things and just needs to be brought up to speed. We’ll take a little hit from the Customer because we broke the demo but I know they’ll understand. And we’ll fix the demo, probably tomorrow if not later today. It should be working before they come in on Monday.


We used existing code and a dictionary idea to create the new WorldEntity object (which is really only a WorldBot at the moment, but that was intentional). Once that object’s basic properties were in place, we just plugged it in and stepped through all the changes we needed. Those were:

  1. We needed to construct with x, y, and direction.
  2. I installed the WorldEntity in the wrong place. Fixed that.
  3. We needed forward_location property.
  4. We needed name. Defaulted it to ‘R’.
  5. We needed, x and y properties.
  6. We needed consistent names for held_entity, to default it to None and a receive method.
  7. We had to init scent to zero.
  8. We had to init vision to an empty list.
  9. We skipped one very nasty test.
  10. We implemented the method has to check whether something is being held.
  11. We implemented the remove method to remove an object once it is dropped.

Every one of these changes was driven by a failing test. Few of them took more than a moment’s thought. They were all changes we would have planned in if we were some amazing kind of planner that could think of all those details.

We are not such a person, which is why we like to write tests that we can rely upon.

But we do get two black check marks. We marked a test to skip. It’s a very nasty test that plugs all kinds of values into matching client and world bots, trying to figure something out. I think we’re good without it and I’ll look into that. If we’re not, we’ll write a test that makes more sense for whatever that one is trying to do.

And the game demo does not work. The reason is that the game creates a world with bots in it and then loops over the world side objects to display them. That’s not legitimate any more, and we’ll need to unwind that somehow. Oh, wait:

    def run_one_bot_cycle(self):
        robots = []
        for entity in
            if == 'R':
        for bot in robots:
            client_bot = Bot(bot.x, bot.y, bot.direction)
            result_dict =
            connection = DirectConnection(world)

That fixes the game. Erase one black check mark. Commit: fixed game to work with new WorldEntity via a hack.

A good morning. All went step by step and I don’t even feel that badly about skipping that horrid test. I hope you feel the same. See you next time!

game runs with nice groups