Python 125 - A Thought
I am trying to do little things in a house full of banging. I found something possibly worth thinking about. And maybe I go off the rails. I’m not sure.
I found this, in Coin:
class Coin(FLyer):
def tick(self, delta_time, fleets):
if self.amount:
Would this be better?
def tick(self, delta_time, fleets):
fleets.add_flyer(ShipMaker() if self.amount else GameOver())
What if we did this?
class Coin(Flyer):
def quarter(cls):
return cls(True)
def slug(cls):
return cls(False)
def __init__(self, is_quarter=True):
self.is_quarter = is_quarter
def tick(self, delta_time, fleets):
fleets.add_flyer(ShipMaker() if self.is_quarter else GameOver())
I like that better still. You could argue that having two subclasses of Coin, Slug and Quarter might be better. But I’ll settle for this. Commit: Refactor Coin for a tiny bit of clarity.
Unclear Code
I found this less than clear:
class MovableLocation:
def move(self, delta_time):
position = self.position + self.velocity*delta_time
old_x = position.x
old_y = position.y
position.x = position.x % self.size
position.y = position.y % self.size
self.position = position
return position.x != old_x, position.y != old_y
This function returns two booleans, True if the location has wrapped around in x or y. I do not find that obvious.
Let’s see if we can make it better. I’m not sure just how.
How about this?
def move(self, delta_time):
position = self.position + self.velocity*delta_time
unwrapped = position.copy()
position.update(position.x % self.size, position.y % self.size)
self.position = position
return position.x != unwrapped.x, position.y != unwrapped.y
I’m not impressed. This is done a billion times a second so we don’t really want to be all that fancy.
def move(self, delta_time):
new_x = self.position.x + self.velocity.x*delta_time
new_y = self.position.y + self.velocity.y*delta_time
wrapped_x = new_x % self.size
wrapped_y = new_y % self.size
self.position = Vector2(wrapped_x, wrapped_y)
return new_x != wrapped_x, new_y != wrapped_y
Possibly better names:
def move(self, delta_time):
raw_x = self.position.x + self.velocity.x*delta_time
raw_y = self.position.y + self.velocity.y*delta_time
fixed_x = raw_x % self.size
fixed_y = raw_y % self.size
self.position = Vector2(fixed_x, fixed_y)
return raw_x != fixed_x, raw_y != fixed_y
I don’t love that we know that our position is a Vector2. We used to just know that it had x and y.
How about this?
def move(self, delta_time):
x, x_changed = self.move_coordinate(self.position.x, delta_time*self.velocity.x, self.size)
y, y_changed = self.move_coordinate(self.position.y, delta_time*self.velocity.y, self.size)
self.position = Vector2(x, y)
return x_changed, y_changed
def move_coordinate(self, pos, delta_v, size):
raw_value = pos + delta_v
fixed_value = raw_value % size
return fixed_value, fixed_value != raw_value
At least part of the issue is that the function is weird. It updates location and returns an indication of whether it had to wrap.
Try again.
def move(self, delta_time):
position = self.position + self.velocity*delta_time
self.position = Vector2(position.x % self.size, position.y % self.size)
return position.x != self.position.x, position.y != self.position.y
Once more, rename:
def move(self, delta_time):
raw_position = self.position + self.velocity*delta_time
self.position = Vector2(raw_position.x % self.size, raw_position.y % self.size)
return raw_position.x != self.position.x, raw_position.y != self.position.y
I sure wish Vector2 understood %. I bet we could implement that.
Let’s pretend we have %.
def move(self, delta_time):
raw_position = self.position + self.velocity*delta_time
self.position = self.wrap_around(raw_position)
return raw_position.x != self.position.x, raw_position.y != self.position.y
def wrap_around(self, raw_position):
return Vector2(raw_position.x % self.size, raw_position.y % self.size)
Commit: refactor move, intending improved clarity.
I think that’s as good as it gets. I welcome comments on which you prefer, or even better ideas.
Were these things “worth doing”? I think the Coin change certainly was, it just took a moment. The move change? Hard to say, but I do think that when we encounter it a year from now, it’ll be more clear what it does than it would have been.
Compare old and new:
def move(self, delta_time):
position = self.position + self.velocity*delta_time
old_x = position.x
old_y = position.y
position.x = position.x % self.size
position.y = position.y % self.size
self.position = position
return position.x != old_x, position.y != old_y
def move(self, delta_time):
raw_position = self.position + self.velocity*delta_time
self.position = self.wrap_around(raw_position)
return \
raw_position.x != self.position.x, \
raw_position.y != self.position.y
def wrap_around(self, raw_position):
return Vector2(
raw_position.x % self.size,
raw_position.y % self.size)
What do you think? Me, I think the roofers have driven me mad.
See you next time!