Dunegon 324: Calling my shot.
Completing a refactoring makes a feature easier. Unless I’m wrong, but I’m not.
Pretty brave of me to call a shot like that, but in fat, after this query line refactoring is complete, I want to put back the feature that allows the base of the dialog line to follow a moving dungeon creature. I had thought we could do without that, in the aid of simplicity, but when I saw the on-screen effect, I realized it was better the old way. I believe, based on limited thinking—the only kind I really have—that it should be easy to change. I already have a couple of ideas for how to do it, so I’m sure to learn something.
Step one, however, is to cause all the objects who can use the base version of query do use it. Let’s get to it.
Using the Base Implementation
There are a few reasons for doing this change at all. The original implementations of query
were all very simple and somewhat similar. Here’s a remaining example:
function Key:query()
Bus:informDotted("Could I possibly be ... a key???", self:graphicCenter())
They are all more or less like that, as we’ll see as we check each one and decide what to do. Originally the rule was: do Bus:informDotted
with whatever your query message is. Then, when we had the dialog line idea, the rule was extended: optionally include an object that can return your screen location, from which we’ll draw the line.
A few changes later, we switched to just passing the location in on the informDotted
, which simplified the code but I don’t like it.
Anyway, the code for query is quite similar in each object that responds to it, with small differences depending on how they get their message and/or their location. And when we see duplication, we see an opportunity to improve the code. In this case, I interpret the opportunity as a chance to refactor to this situation, as I wrote yesterday:
- All or most DungeonObjects inherit the
implementation from DungeonObject; - That top-level method calls
, or words to that effect; - Individual classes implement those methods according to their likes. Most of them do not implement
which defaults toself:graphicCenter
, again in DungeonObject.
In this refactoring, we remove the duplication of Bus:informDotted
from many methods and leave it in one. And we identify the other two activities and give them names. In doing this refactoring we make the code more expressive, and we’ve arranged things so that if the way we do a query changes, our code changes will likely be more consolidated, and thus easier to make.
Mind you, I’m not doing this because I think someday I’m going to save a fortune by not having to seek out all the informDotted
calls. I’m doing it because the code is, in my view, better this way, and since it’s easy to do, I do it. Over time, I find that this pays off in making everything a bit easier to understand, and often saves a bit of work, and associated confusion.
But I do not do this because it will pay off in the future. I really do it because it pays off today. When I improve the code, it feels good. I feel good. Job well done kind of thing. As Hill calls it: Geek Joy.
I don’t like the word “geek” personally. It seems pejorative—which, I believe, is why Hill is co-opting it. I’m not saying I ever had a really nasty summer job in a traveling carnival as “See! The skinny boy bites the heads off chickens!”. I’m just saying that I don’t care for the word. But I digress.
Since we’re looking at it, let’s cause the Key to use our new approach. We just change the old query
method to this:
function Key:getQueryMessage()
return "Could I possibly be ... a key???"
And voila! We’ve done Key. Moving to the next easy one:
function Decor:query()
Bus:informDotted(self:queryMessage(self.kind), self:graphicCenter())
Same trick:
function Decor:getQueryMessage()
return self:queryMessage(self.kind)
I edit the query
methods to get the new getQueryMessage
ones, which helps me ensure that I don’t leave any overrides lying around. Moving to the next easiest one … Oh, wait. These are trivial, but I really ought to test and commit. Commit: Key and Decor use inherited query.
function Lever:query()
Bus:informDotted("At first glance, this appears to be a lever.\nDo you think it does anything?", self:graphicCenter())
Becomes, of course:
function Lever:getQueryMessage()
return "At first glance, this appears to be a lever.\nDo you think it does anything?"
Test, commit: Lever uses inherited query.
function NPC:query()
I think this one needs to be left alone. It has its own scheme and it is somewhat complicated.
We’re left with Loot
and Monster
, I think. Monster is easy:
function Monster:query()
Bus:informDotted(self.behavior.query(self), self:graphicCenter())
I love this kind of change. So rhythmic and pleasant to do.
function Monster:getQueryMessage()
return self.behavior.query(self)
Test, commit: Monster uses inherited query.
Loot is a bit more tricky:
function Loot:query()
That calls this:
function InventoryItem:query(optionalPos)
if self.name ~= "nothing" then
Bus:informDotted(self.message, optionalPos)
Ah, excellent, we can just rename this here to getQueryMessage
and call it. We note, however, that it is going to return a nil sometimes. Either this never occurs, or someone else is handling it. Let’s return an empty string instead, just because our callers have a right to expect a string return.
function InventoryItem:getQueryMessage()
if self.name == "nothing" then
return ""
return self.message
And then back up in Loot:
function Loot:getQueryMessage()
return self.item:getQueryMessage()
Test. A test fails:
1: Loot messages --
Actual: ,
Expected: nil
Ah. Find that.
_:test("Loot messages", function()
local speaking = Loot(nil, "health", 0,0)
local silent = Loot(nil, "nothing", 0,0)
_:expect(busMessage).is("I am a valuable Potent Potion of Health")
busMessage = nil
Easily modified. and I found another needing improvement:
_:test("Loot messages", function()
local speaking = Loot(nil, "health", 0,0)
local silent = Loot(nil, "nothing", 0,0)
_:expect(speaking:getQueryMessage()).is("I am a valuable Potent Potion of Health")
_:test("Can override a Loot's Item's message", function()
local overridden = Loot(nil, "health", 0,0)
overridden:setMessage("A new message")
_:expect(overridden:getQueryMessage()).is("A new message")
Tests run but I wonder how that setMessage
function Loot:setMessage(message)
function InventoryItem:overrideMessage(aString)
self.message = aString
We use that in the Learning Level, to give the first thing we find a special message. We’re all good, but I’m still going to test in world.
Works a treat. Commit: Loot uses inherited query.
I noticed something. I’d like for the dialog line to be more prominent. That’s done here:
function Floater:drawMessage(op, pos)
local txt = op:message()
local origin = op:speechOrigin(pos)
if origin.x ~= 0 then
line(origin.x, origin.y, pos.x,pos.y-8)
text(txt, pos.x, pos.y)
I’ll try 2 for strokeWidth
. Yes, better. Commit: dialog line strokeWidth is now 2.
Refactoring Done?
Are we done here? I’m not entirely satisfied, because of the NPC. Let’s see what she does:
function NPC:query()
That trickles down through the FiniteStateMachine and finally calls publishTale
function NPC:publishTale(fsm, taleName)
local tale = fsm.tab.data[taleName]
local done, msg = tale:next()
msg = self:name()..": "..msg
Bus:informDotted(msg, self:graphicCenter())
return done
I’d really like for that to stop doing its own informDotted
, instead going up through something in the base class. In the base class we have this:
function DungeonObject:query()
local msg = self:getQueryMessage()
local pos = self:getQueryLocation()
Bus:informDotted(msg, pos)
Let’s do this:
function DungeonObject:query()
local msg = self:getQueryMessage()
local pos = self:getQueryLocation()
function DungeonObject:baseQuery(msg,pos)
Bus:informDotted(msg, pos)
Now in NPC:
function NPC:publishTale(fsm, taleName)
local tale = fsm.tab.data[taleName]
local done, msg = tale:next()
msg = self:name()..": "..msg
self:baseQuery(msg, self:graphicCenter())
return done
I’m honestly not sure that I can explain why I prefer that. I think it has something to do with something we’ve not done yet, and I think we’ll find ourselves back here, still dissatisfied.
I should mention that I’m tempted to cause the NPC to adhere more closely to the overall scheme, but I hesitate to mess with the details of the FSM if we don’t need to. It does seem that we could refactor the thing to return the message. However, the real issue is that query
is an event to the FSM and it can and does change state. The publication is done via a “callback” in the FSM. We just don’t want to open that can of worms here.
An issue will arise. For now, test … and get a confusing series of errors:
1: Spikes send position parameter -- Entity:23: attempt to call a nil value (method 'baseQuery')
Ah, that’s my message hack, isn’t it, in those new tests that all look alike:
_:test("Spikes send position parameter", function()
local fakeSelf = FakeSelf()
local query = Spikes.query
We patch in the query message to which Spikes will respond … which, by the way, will return the one in the superclass before it gives up looking. But that’s going to look for baseQuery
now, in the fakeSelf. So we implement it:
function FakeSelf:baseQuery()
-- ignored
Test run. Let’s commit: Refactor query to call baseQuery, use in NPC. TestQuery tests updated.
I would like to say here that I am not as fond of those TestQuery tests, with the patched query method, as I was yesterday. I think they do exactly what I had in mind, namely check each one to see that it called getQueryLocation and used the result in the informDotted
. If any of these objects were overriding query to do something different, I think we’d catch the problem. It just seems more like hackery and less elegant than it did when I thought of it.
But we do have decent tests, they’re just still more intricate than I’d like.
Let’s now see about making the Monster dialog line follow the monster.
Dialog Lines Follow
We’ve just completed a refactoring that has almost everyone (except NPC) calling currentLocation
for use in the crawl messages, and all going through the same top level code (except for NPC). One reason why we consolidate code is so that if it has to change, there are fewer places to change. And guess what … we have a change to make.
We want the bus drawing code to call for the position of the dialog line dynamically, so that if the “speaker” moves, the line follows them. Right now it just continues to emanate from where they were when they got the query message.
Again, the drawing code is here:
function Floater:drawMessage(op, pos)
local txt = op:message()
local origin = op:speechOrigin(pos)
if origin.x ~= 0 then
line(origin.x, origin.y, pos.x,pos.y-8)
text(txt, pos.x, pos.y)
To get the origin, we call the OP instance that contains the message. Let’s look in OP first and then see how it gets created.
function OP:speechOrigin(pos)
return self.speakerPos or vec2(0,0)
How did that speakerPos
get there? It’s not done in init:
function OP:init(op, receiver, method, arg1, arg2)
self.op = op
self.receiver = receiver
self.method = method
self.arg1 = arg1
self.arg2 = arg2
There’s something tricky going on here. Look for .speakerPos … we find just this:
function Provider:addTextToCrawl(info)
local op = OP:display(info.text)
op.speakerPos = info.speakerPos or vec2(0,0)
And addTextToCrawl
is a Bus message sent variously, but the case we care about is this:
function EventBus:inform(message,speakerPos)
if type(message) == "string" then
message = du.splitStringToTable(message)
for i,msg in ipairs(message) do
Bus:publish("addTextToCrawl", {text=msg, speakerPos=speakerPos})
function EventBus:informDotted(message, speakerPos)
Bus:publish("addTextToCrawl", {text="..."})
And of course this:
function DungeonObject:baseQuery(msg,pos)
Bus:informDotted(msg, pos)
OK, with that review in mind, what can we do?
How Can We Make speakerPos Dynamic?
One thing we could do would be to pass an object instead of a vector position. The drawCode would send a message to that object rather than just suppose it’s a vector.
Or we could pass in a function and call it. We’d provide a very simple function for the standard case, and a more capable one for Monster. An object would be more, well, object-oriented. Let’s do it that way.
First we’ll start with a refactoring, to keep the same behavior but with a new implementation.
In our function getQueryLocation
, we’ll return a tiny object:
function DungeonObject:getQueryLocation()
return ConstantPosition(self:graphicCenter())
Our test will guide us at least part way. This won’t find the class. Lots of tests tell us:
1: Lever puts graphic center into message -- Entity:31: attempt to call a nil value (global 'ConstantPosition')
I’ll write it inline for now:
ConstantPosition = class()
function ConstantPosition:init(aLocation)
self.loc = aLocation
function ConstantPosition:location()
return self.loc
As I sometimes do, I wrote more code than I needed to fix the error, but I am a flawed human being. Test.
1: Lever puts graphic center into message --
Actual: table: 0x292cdc200,
Expected: (0.000000, 0.000000)
And so on. This is going to be irritating, I think. Let’s see:
_:test("Lever puts graphic center into message", function()
local lever = Lever(FakeTile(), "no name")
Bus:expect("At first glance, this appears to be a lever.\nDo you think it does anything?", vec2(0,0))
We have a fake bus up in here:
function FakeEventBus:inform(message, optionalPos)
if self.checkPos then
if self.checkMessage then
At a guess, we’ve got a ConstantPosition now, so:
function FakeEventBus:inform(message, optionalPos)
if self.checkPos then
if self.checkMessage then
I wonder if we should have called the message position
… we’ll hold off on that momentous decision until it works. Test. One more:
1: Key Test --
Actual: table: 0x29221bdc0,
Expected: (0.000000, 0.000000)
Same thing, I imagine, different object?
function KeyFakeBus:informDotted(msg, gc)
_msg = msg
_gc = gc:location()
I make that patch. Test. Tests run. I expect the query in the game to crash. It does:
Floater:42: bad argument #1 to 'line' (number expected, got nil)
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'line'
Floater:42: in method 'drawMessage'
Floater:30: in method 'draw'
GameRunner:177: in method 'drawMessages'
GameRunner:140: in method 'draw'
Main:108: in function 'draw'
We haven’t yet changed the line drawing, which calls down to the OP:
function Floater:drawMessage(op, pos)
local txt = op:message()
local origin = op:speechOrigin(pos)
if origin.x ~= 0 then
line(origin.x, origin.y, pos.x,pos.y-8)
text(txt, pos.x, pos.y)
That leads here:
function OP:speechOrigin(pos)
return self.speakerPos or vec2(0,0)
We have two cases, either speakerPos doesn’t occur or now we need to call it.
function OP:speechOrigin(pos)
if ~self.speakerPos then return vec2(0,0) end
return self.speakerPos:location()
I expect to be back to normal … except I meant not
not ~
function OP:speechOrigin(pos)
if not self.speakerPos then return vec2(0,0) end
return self.speakerPos:location()
To my sorrow, it’s not that easy.
CombatRound:225: attempt to call a nil value (method 'location')
stack traceback:
CombatRound:225: in method 'speechOrigin'
Floater:39: in method 'drawMessage'
Floater:30: in method 'draw'
GameRunner:177: in method 'drawMessages'
GameRunner:140: in method 'draw'
Main:108: in function 'draw'
We have other callers, in this case the original announcement. I think the deal is that speakerPos can be nil or a vector or now, an object. Let’s hack a bit.
function OP:speechOrigin(pos)
if not self.speakerPos then return vec2(0,0) end
if type(self.speakerPos) == "userdata" then return self.speakerPos end
return self.speakerPos:location()
The “userdata” there is how we detect a vec2
. This won’t do, but it does run. So now let’s see about how’s doing the various informs.
The initial message was one that crashed and it works this way:
function GameRunner:initialCrawl(level)
local co = CombatRound()
local msgs = self:crawlMessages(level, CodeaUnit)
local result = {}
for i,m in ipairs(msgs) do
table.insert(result, co:display(m))
return result
It’s relying on the combat round to form the op:
function CombatRound:display(aString)
return OP:display(aString)
And that leads to:
function OP:display(aString)
local op = OP("display")
op.text = aString
return op
This is irritatingly deep. Leads to provider, I think. But we should find it with our current “display” search. Ah, here it is:
function Provider:addTextToCrawl(info)
local op = OP:display(info.text)
op.speakerPos = info.speakerPos or vec2(0,0)
We may not need this but we can surely do this:
function Provider:addTextToCrawl(info)
local op = OP:display(info.text)
op.speakerPos = info.speakerPos or ConstantPosition(vec2(0,0))
Now I should be able to remove that check for userdata. I’ll put an error in during the refactoring, to be sure I find all the cases.
function OP:speechOrigin(pos)
if not self.speakerPos then return vec2(0,0) end
if type(self.speakerPos) == "userdata" then error("vector") end
return self.speakerPos:location()
Test. Got this error on purpose, talking to the NPC:
CombatRound:225: vector
stack traceback:
[C]: in function 'error'
CombatRound:225: in method 'speechOrigin'
Floater:39: in method 'drawMessage'
Floater:30: in method 'draw'
GameRunner:177: in method 'drawMessages'
GameRunner:140: in method 'draw'
Main:108: in function 'draw'
Fix NPC:
function NPC:publishTale(fsm, taleName)
local tale = fsm.tab.data[taleName]
local done, msg = tale:next()
msg = self:name()..": "..msg
self:baseQuery(msg, ConstantPosition(self:graphicCenter()))
return done
Testing makes me think that we may be done with the refactoring part but let’s look for vec2(0,0)
, which was a bad thing to do anyway. There seem to be no harmful ones, other than in tests, which do little harm for now. I think we have successfully refactored to use ConstantPosition throughout. But let’s change the method name to position
function ConstantPosition:init(aPosition)
self.pos = aLocation
function ConstantPosition:position()
return self.pos
function OP:speechOrigin(pos)
if not self.speakerPos then return vec2(0,0) end
if type(self.speakerPos) == "userdata" then error("vector") end
return self.speakerPos:position()
function FakeEventBus:inform(message, optionalPos)
if self.checkPos then
if self.checkMessage then
function KeyFakeBus:informDotted(msg, gc)
_msg = msg
_gc = gc:position()
Test. Hm more failures than I expected. I wish I had a closer save point. Nothing for it but forward now.
No, I’m gonna cherrypick my good changes and then revert the rename.
No. I see the bug. Whew! Failed the rename.
function ConstantPosition:init(aPosition)
self.pos = aPosition
Didn’t you see that? Why didn’t you stop me?
Test. We’re good. Commit: Refactor crawl messages to use an object to get speakerPos ition.
The space was intentional. Tacky but intentional.
Now we can change Monster to return a VariableLocation. And implement it, of course.
function Monster:getQueryLocation()
return VariablePosition(self)
VariablePosition = class()
function VariablePosition:init(anObject)
self.object = anObject
function VariablePosition:position()
return anObject:graphicsCenter()
I expect this to just work. It doesn’t:
Monster:103: attempt to index a nil value (global 'anObject')
stack traceback:
Monster:103: in function <Monster:102>
(...tail calls...)
Floater:39: in method 'drawMessage'
Floater:30: in method 'draw'
GameRunner:177: in method 'drawMessages'
GameRunner:140: in method 'draw'
Main:108: in function 'draw'
Oh duh. That’s what I get for going fast.
function VariablePosition:position()
return self.object:graphicsCenter()
Still no joy:
Monster:103: attempt to call a nil value (method 'graphicsCenter')
stack traceback:
Monster:103: in function <Monster:102>
(...tail calls...)
Floater:39: in method 'drawMessage'
Floater:30: in method 'draw'
GameRunner:177: in method 'drawMessages'
GameRunner:140: in method 'draw'
Main:108: in function 'draw'
It’s graphicCenter
. Sheesh.
Works. We can commit: Monster query message dialog line follows monster if it moves.
OK, what’s not to like here? Let’s reflect.
The two new objects ConstantPosition and VariablePosition are pretty trivial, but the VP certainly could have benefited from a test. And they have no place to live, being written in line just now. So let’s fix that before we forget.
-- Dialog Positions
-- 20220606
function testDialogPositions()
CodeaUnit.detailed = false
_:describe("Dialog Positions", function()
_:test("Constant Returns its initial value", function()
local cp = ConstantPosition(vec2(99,99))
That test runs, no big surprise. This one will now but wouldn’t have:
_:test("Variable changes", function()
local obj = TestObject(vec2(99,99))
local vp = VariablePosition(obj)
I need to create my TestObject:
TestObject = class()
function TestObject:init(aVector)
self.vector = aVector
function TestObject:graphicCenter()
return self.vector
function TestObject:move()
self.vector = self.vector + vec2(-1,0)
Test runs. Now let’s move those two little classes into this tab. Tests run. All good. Commit: Move Constant and VariablePosition to own tab with tests.
What else have we to think about here? The NPCs don’t move, but they could. I’ve made a card to note that maybe they should use VariablePosition.
What about those objects? They do the job, but it almost seems as if we could return the basic objects instead, and call graphicCenter
instead of position
. And we could … but then we’d be passing some pretty broad interfaces around. The little ConstantPosition and VariablePosition objects are what we could think of as a “packet” of information, custom made to a particular purpose.
I could imagine deciding not to use them. In fact, in the version of the program we started with, we didn’t use them, we passed the Whole Darn Thing in a speaker, which led to difficulties with the Loot, which we cold have circumvented differently.
I don’t know. We have two more objects to think about, and they are very specialized, simply used to communicate between the crawl and the objects using it, via the OP. Perhaps we should let them grow up a bit and handle more of the conversation, since the text is passed in separately. We have that odd table info packet that’s being passed around now, and in our preferred style there should probably be an object there.
Remember that the speaker info is actually jammed into the OP, patched in, if you will. We clearly need some kind of polymorphism there, and if we had it, it might subsume the function of these two new objects.
I honestly don’t know if these guys are worthy of life or not. They got me where I wanted to be, and they are quite simple. Maybe as we go forward, we’ll improve them, grow them, get rid of them. It’s all good.
We’re here to make progress in the smoothest way we can. We are not trying to avoid rework, we’re taking small steps, always in the best direction we can see right now. I believe that my understanding and ideas improve over time, so if I have a better idea tomorrow, I’m all for it.
Let’s sum up.
We refactored the DungeonObject hierarchy to get as much commonality we could, with almost all the code converging up to the top of the hierarchy. Special cases are handled in the subclasses. That is as it should be.
We created two tiny classes with the same simple protocol, one returning a constant answer, the other a variable one, used in moving objects. We created those driven by existing tests and behavior, but could have TDD’s them, were your faithful author not to impatient. I did go back and test them, moving them at the same time into their own tab.
We went through quite a few incremental changes today. There are nine commits, and if I were on my game there would be 11 or 12. We did a commit around every 20 minutes, which is about my sweet spot.
What lessons might we draw? Well, if we must:
- Tests are really useful
- My existing tests did a decent job of finding most of the problems with the changes. That’s good.
Too much live testing? 2: Crashes found some others immediately. That’s not great because there could have been an obscure case. I’m sure there isn’t, but I could be wrong. I’m not sure how to write the display-level tests, however. That might be a good thing to figure out.
- Small improvements add up
- The program is a bit better factored and has a nice improvement (fix?) for visible behavior. We find, again, that even with a long-term legacy program, we can make improvements, especially when we have decent tests and fairly well-factored code.
- Magic numbers include vectors
- My use of
as a default and in testing would be better if I had a named constant instead of just flinging the value around. - Perfection still a long way off
- Perfection still eludes our hero. That leads him to say that readers need not expect perfection from themselves or their colleagues. They might want to pay attention to what happens as they modify how they work, and use that feedback to adjust what they do.
- I’m still having fun
- I do hope that I think of something new to work on, but meanwhile, this program continues to offer up challenges and opportunities.
I’ll hope to see all three of you next time!