These are the initial descriptions of the people in the Kate Oneal series. As so often happens with plans, the people didn’t turn out quite this way …

  • Dan Devlin - Company president, met Kate at a lecture he gave at the university about entrepreneurism. Invited her to invest in the company in one way or another. See Prolegomenon.

  • Jim Anderson - Marketing director. Primary force behind Empire project.

  • Carl Jensen - Technical director, programmer. Good guy, positive. Car guy.

  • Susan Prior - Marketing director. Largely negative and suspicious.

  • Gil Silverman - Technical director, programmer. Probably Israeli. Very direct and overly self-confident in demeanor. He and Susan like to whipsaw people in meetings.

  • Sriram Rajemi - (aokoRefactoring) Customer on Tailgate project. How can he exist if Kate’s money was so necessary to the Empire project?

  • Carlos Martinez - programmer (aokoRefactoring) Developer on Tailgate.


  • Danny Martin - organizer of KALE, the Ann Arbor Kanban/Agile/LEan society.
  • Connie “Constant Sorrow” Barton - Product Owner, Dunbar Software, KALE member
  • Kelly Thorson - née Curran, KALE member, Senior Systems Programmer with Ann Arbor Mobile Software
  • Dave Bennett - programmer working with Connie
  • Andy Whitman - programmer, the quiet one