Category: code-signs
(Dec 8, 2023)
I think that I don't quite like how the Invaders deal with the edge of known space. Let's explore. Result: I am pleasantly surprised.
[ code-signs, python ]
(Dec 7, 2023)
I put in a new method yesterday. I'm not sure if it was a good idea, potentially good idea, or sheer waste. I love changing code.
[ code-signs, python ]
(Dec 6, 2023)
I have in mind a few small things that would like to have attention. Are they worth it? I think so.
[ code-signs, python ]
(Dec 5, 2023)
We can remove some duplication with inheritance. One pythonic way is with a mixin. Let's look into that.
[ code-signs, python ]
(Dec 4, 2023)
With the new ability for Sprites to detect collisions, let's start converting classes. We should be able to do them one at a time.
[ code-signs, python ]
(Dec 3, 2023)
With a couple of classes using the Sprite, it seems like time to see if we can put enough useful behavior on it to make it more desirable to move to it.
[ code-signs, python ]
(Dec 2, 2023)
Either I was less intelligent than usual, or there is something tricky going on here. I'll proceed with due caution.
[ code-signs, python ]
(Dec 2, 2023)
I will share with you an intuition, a guess, about where this Sprite thing is going. Then I'll plug away.
[ code-signs, python ]
(Dec 1, 2023)
Today I plan to improve the Sprite object to handle animation. I am optimistic about this.
[ code-signs, python ]
(Nov 30, 2023)
Today I'll try to gin up a little object containing the mask, the rectangle, and the position, to see if it makes things better. I am hopeful.
[ code-signs, python ]
(Nov 29, 2023)
Design Thinking: There's this notion of "encapsulation" that I've heard about. And "cohesion"?
[ code-signs, python ]
(Nov 28, 2023)
What general notions might we draw from the past few days' work? What do you see that I do not?
[ code-signs, python ]
(Nov 27, 2023)
Saucer is still too complicated. I had an idea yesterday at close of session: a helper class!
[ code-signs, python ]
(Nov 26, 2023)
Drilling down was useful, I think, but let's take a look around for new code signs. We wind up working on names. Again.
[ code-signs, python ]
(Nov 25, 2023)
I think I see something that would improve the InvaderGroup logic. Let's find out.
[ code-signs, python ]
(Nov 24, 2023)
Let's have a look at the new code for invaders and edges, see what it's telling us, and do something about those hundred-plus calls. Bear bites man. Man survives.
[ code-signs, python ]
(Nov 23, 2023)
I promised to throw this spike away and do it over. Can we talk about this? Includes words like 'folderol' and 'bugaboo'.
[ code-signs, python ]
(Nov 22, 2023)
Let's try a spike that may lead to an improved version of our invader fleet logic. I promise to throw it away.
[ code-signs, python ]
(Nov 22, 2023)
A very strange session. Two hours of reading and thinking, one very simple change adding an enum, no major improvement. Wasted? Or valuable? I'm not sure yet.
[ code-signs, python ]
(Nov 21, 2023)
I propose to identify and discuss the things I see in code, what they make me think, and perhaps a bit about what I might do about them. This does not go as I expected.
[ code-signs, python ]