(Sep 18, 2024)
Last night, we shared some observations about the code. We shared some observations about how we pair. We even did a bit of nice work.
(Sep 17, 2024)
We have adjusted `can_drop` to check scent. Let's do `can_take`. Should be much the same. I'll force myself to test this one-line change.
(Sep 16, 2024)
I have a bit of time, and I'm going back in.
(Sep 16, 2024)
My demon-dispelling thoughts this morning turned up what I think is a very nice-smelling idea. I must try it.
(Sep 15, 2024)
I do like the result of my changes to the state machine. I didn't always feel good getting from there to here. Let's see what I might possibly have done better. My conclusion surprises me.
(Sep 15, 2024)
We begin to look back at the evolution of the Bots' state machine. In this article we'll quickly review the three ways we have represented the Bot state. In the next, we'll look at the process of getting from there to here.
(Sep 14, 2024)
This morning, tests for the final state class, Walking, then create the class and plug it in. Then, time permitting, I think we can simplify things a bit. And wow, can we! Early bird, meet worm. Used "rip-roarin'" in a sentence.
(Sep 13, 2024)
I plan to start with some direct tests for the state classes. I think that will be interesting. And I'm expecting to use a Test Double, which is quite rare hereabouts. Plus: Amazing Grace.
(Sep 12, 2024)
This morning, I plan to start moving more directly toward one class per state. I'll be borrowing an idea from GeePaw Hill. Any mistakes in what follows are his and his alone.
(Sep 11, 2024)
I'm going to continue with Knowledge and see about pushing it into the Machine. Should be pretty easy. (Spoiler: NEVER SAY THAT!)
(Sep 11, 2024)
Our little Bot just shouldn't be this complicated. It's not getting better. Time to regroup and change course.
(Sep 10, 2024)
Explaining the situation to you helps. Then I pick a good first step. The rest is history: Long article, small steps, excellent outcome. Good job, rubber duckie!
(Sep 9, 2024)
I promised to improve the state machine tests. I guess I'd better do that. There's probably some good news in there. I learn to listen to myself.
(Sep 8, 2024)
Alone again, naturally, as the song says. I propose to convert to a more robust form of state machine this morning. Results cheer me up a bit, sorely needed.
(Sep 7, 2024)
I propose to make some changes that I think make sense and that my cohort will not disagree with much, if at all, despite not sharing my concern. As GeePaw put it last night, f[ool] around and find out.
(Sep 6, 2024)
I want to try an idea that I have about the client-server aspect of our little program. ... wanders off mumbling ...
(Sep 5, 2024)
We have been ignoring the requirement that this must be a multi-client one-server program. We have done nothing about that, on purpose. I think we need a bit more thinking, if not doing, on the subject.
(Sep 4, 2024)
Bryan comes up with a perfect term for what we're trying to do. We simplify one bit, improve another, must about others.
(Sep 3, 2024)
I think I'm on my own this morning. Maybe I should just open my Zoom to the public. Anyway, today let's just scan the code and see what we can see and why we see it. Maybe even do something about it.
(Sep 2, 2024)
The famous GeePaw Hill plans to join me this morning, at some point. Until that joyous time, I'll think about things we might do. We do two good things and are faced with an unknown. Note: one more thing added.
(Aug 31, 2024)
I'm planning to pair with GeePaw this morning. I have some improvements in mind, and will start on those before pairing time. We gather stones together. Well past time, you ask me.
(Aug 30, 2024)
This morning, up at 0650 for some reason, I think I'll push a bit on the "vision" idea. GeePaw arrives and helps out.
(Aug 29, 2024)
I think I'm on my own today. Feeling kind of lonely. I'll see what I can figure out.
(Aug 27, 2024)
Woke up at 3 AM with an idea. Going to work on it. I have opened my zoom in case anyone else on the team wakes up. Pairing, as always, is tricky but rewarding.
(Aug 26, 2024)
I've opened my pairing zoom at 0640, hoping Bryan was planning to be up. Perhaps he'll turn up. Meanwhile I'll try to spike something useful.
(Aug 25, 2024)
It's 0645 on Sunday. Bryan shows up as I'm summarizing status, and we get a really nice effect with some truly simple code.
(Aug 24, 2024)
We simplify two classes by adding just a bit of capability to another. Still wondering how to write articles after the fact.
(Aug 22, 2024)
Some pairing has been taking place, without contemporaneous writing. I will explain what we have. No, it is too much. I will sum up. Includes remarks on working without a net specification.
(Aug 19, 2024)
An attempt at refining the concept of this multifarious idea we're hatching.
(Aug 17, 2024)
A tiny experiment in Python on my iPad has inspired me to try a spike this morning.
(Aug 16, 2024)
We've agreed not to cater to client-server at all, to the degree we can manage it. As a first start, we've removed the World-Client variant classes and will simply be working with Biots sending messages to the World, and the World sending messages back. We'll see how that goes. I have one concern. Well, one that I care to mention.
(Aug 16, 2024)
We made some progress yesterday, and I'll report on that. Before today's meeting, I am a bit confused about what we should do next. I get a truly scary idea.
(Aug 14, 2024)
Secretly, Bryan and I are starting work on 'Biot World', a start at the joint project our Slack has been talking about.