Kauffman Building, UNL

For the past few years, I’ve been doing a little Agile coaching at the Raikes School of Computer Science and Management, at the University of Nebraska in Lincoln. Before Spring Break, Chet and I visited and helped them do a retrospective on last year’s results. In a word: excellent.

This year, we offered to teach a pro-bono Certified ScrumMaster course for the returning leads, to help tune them up for the coming year. The course will be August 17-19, in the lovely Kauffman center on the UNL campus. This will be our challenging three-day CSM Plus course, where you learn Scrum through doing it, with many exercises and very little lecture at all.

We’re opening the course to a handful of paid outsiders. If you’re conveniently located to Lincoln and would like a real Agile workout with a CSM as a side benefit, please consider signing up.