Chet and I are finalizing prep for our upcoming CSM Plus course in Birmingham, Michigan, March 31 thru April 2. Chet is ordering the handouts right now. We had copies at the Scrum Gathering in Orlando, and they look great.

The idea of the course is to combine the necessary material to receive the CSM, and to include an additional day to give the participants extra practice and experience with the kinds of obstacles and impediments that they’re likely to encounter in their projects.

We know a lot about that, it turns out, since much of our work over the past few years has been helping teams who are doing Scrum. Many teams find that they reach a plateau, or have trouble getting their software all the way to “Done-Done”. So our course includes exercises and discussion that will help the new CSMs to be better prepared to succeed.

It’s not too late to sign up, if you’d like to join us.