WordPress Bug Blitz Update
Keep those cards and letters coming in. Here’s what we know so far. I’ll update this page as new issues arise and new winners are discovered.
Issues So Far
Search does not work, but does on the test site. Lisa’s on it.
All pages from my old blog are presently lost. A few links exist to those. They’ll say something like Page.asxp?display=something. One on the software page has been found. If you see others, feel free to file. I’m not sure yet if I can get those pages back.
Email link on front page goes nowhere, sometimes.
Some of the links on the left side are acting oddly.
Winners So Far
Karl Pauls, Jaap Beestra, Dan Kaplan
The offer to spend a day with any winner who can get to Brighton still stands. Some winners do not see the value in this compared to the cost of travel (imagine!) and have suggested other prizes, such as Knuth’s famous check for $2.56 (a hexadecimal dollar) for errors in his book.
I will either do that–so far looks like I could afford it–or, more likely, provide a similar award of little or no value, which will be sent to winners.