(Mar 22, 2020)
Wow. Shapr 3D is neat! I wish I could use it. It's so cool I might warp my process just to fit it into my plans.
(Mar 18, 2020)
This may be the most powerful most frustrating 3D application ever created.
(Mar 17, 2020)
To create reasonable creatures or vehicles, I'd need a decent 3D object creation tool. Ideally, since this is an iPad project, an iPad app.
(Mar 11, 2020)
I am supposedly on a course to make the Orc stay within bounds of our little world. Today might be the day ...
(Mar 8, 2020)
It's Sunday. My long-suffering wife is prepping for the upcoming election. On my own, I decided to spike motion for my game creature.
(Mar 7, 2020)
I've decided a bit about the 'game' I'm writing in Codea. This should keep me off the streets for a while.
(Mar 3, 2020)
I've been reading examples and searching the web about terrain generation and I'm ready to start sharing. Brace yourself, this gets pretty random.
(Feb 28, 2020)
I feel I've got my feet firmly on the grass, dirt, and bedrock, and I can see what I'm doing. Time to become confused again.
(Feb 27, 2020)
I think I nearly have a solid place to stand: a tiny application that I understand pretty well. Today we'll clean it up and see what's next.
(Feb 25, 2020)
There's trouble, my friends, right here in river city. Is this little project serving my needs? Am I about to break through to the other side ... or to break through the ice and freeze?
(Feb 17, 2020)
We're at a fairly clean point right now. There are a couple of small topics in the code to consider, but we need to figure out a plan for what's next.
(Feb 17, 2020)
Owing to driver error, I lost all my code versions for the Orc program. We'll speak of recovery and then move on.
(Feb 11, 2020)
In response to some question on the codea.io forum, Dave1707 showed me a neat trick with text. It taught me something, and raised some questions.
(Feb 7, 2020)
The bird experiment worked pretty well. Now it's time to clean it up and consolidate what we've discovered.
(Feb 5, 2020)
I've made a couple of objects move, in two different ways. I figure that topic is spiked. What should I look at next? This session is gonna be rambling, I'll wager.
(Feb 4, 2020)
Today I'll build a different kind of creature, who moves differently from the Orc. The idea is to build up an understanding of where the design needs improvement in terms of flexibility or clarity.
(Feb 3, 2020)
Today I'll review the code, and think about whether to build in some object thinking. I want to ... but should I?
(Jan 31, 2020)
Last time I managed to make a fairly simple Codea Craft program draw an Orc standing on (or near) the floor. Today I plan to make him move a bit, and then to see what I've learned.
(Jan 30, 2020)
Yesterday I managed to move an Orc, by hacking a sample program. Today, let's try to do a clean version to consolidate our learning and ask ourselves some questions. Maybe even begin to answer some ...
(Jan 29, 2020)
I begin trying to make sense of Codea's ambitious and powerful Craft components.