(Jun 3, 2022)
Some thoughts after another pleasant conversation with Colin Hammond of ScopeMaster.
(May 20, 2022)
Estimation and a tiny bit of code. ScopeMaster took up my challenge.
(May 18, 2022)
I don't like estimates in this world. Perhaps you do. If so, and you're so inclined, pick up this challenge. I'll tell you everything I know to help you.
(Aug 18, 2020)
Today we'll try to fix the collision logic to accommodate our origin changes, and to make the invaders explode.
(Nov 25, 2019)
Despite my concerns about experienced coaches advocating against practices that are often quite useful, there are a few things where I'd at least advise great caution.
(Aug 20, 2019)
A Twitter conversation and some reading has triggered some new, and probably some old, thoughts on estimation and the #noEstimates tag and meme.
(Mar 11, 2019)
This is a small excerpt from The Nature of Software Development. It's a good reminder of some ways to think about value.
(Feb 26, 2019)
I wrote this in response to some tweets from an esteemed colleague, who I think is a bit less sensitive to dangerous ideas than I'd prefer our 'thought leaders' to be.
(Feb 21, 2019)
Another little tweet-storm about estimation. I think it's useful and not as easy to use as some people think it is.
(Jul 25, 2018)
Yesterday, I tweet-improvised the following thread. I had intended to write it up later as an article on my site, and here it is. It received a number of replies and comments, and I'll address some of those here as well.
(Apr 9, 2018)
You're probably wondering what I've said about estimates and the NoEstimates movement. Well, wonder no more. (bumped)
(Oct 12, 2015)
Generalizing from a few results isn't proof. In this article I'm going to prove that by generalizing from a few results. Wait, what?
(Aug 26, 2015)
Kate and Dan estimate a new project. Or do they?
(Aug 24, 2015)
The Estimate-Commitment relationship stands in opposition to collaboration. It supports conflict, not teamwork.
(Aug 22, 2015)
After a lot of email and blogging, Steve McConnell and I "Came out by the same door where in we went".
(Aug 18, 2015)
Semantics is important. Or is it 'are'?
(Aug 1, 2015)
In which we search for common ground and disputed ground.
(Jul 31, 2015)
Steve makes some great points. I think I'd make somewhat different ones.
(Jul 24, 2015)
A recent Twitter conversation bugged me (and bugged Clarke Ching even more). Here's why.
(Jul 13, 2015)
Apparently the word 'estimates' is not clear. Here's what I mean and don't mean.
(Jul 11, 2015)
You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
(Jul 9, 2015)
Slicing is easier and better than estimation for projecting done. And slicing adds value, while estimation does not!
(Jul 3, 2015)
Keep seeking better ways.
(Mar 6, 2015)
The conversion from XProgramming.com to RonJeffries.com is essentially complete. Let's look at some learnings.
(Jan 2, 2015)
A few thoughts in response to a discussion on the Scrum Development list.
(Nov 24, 2014)
We've been working on the XProgramming replacement project since late September, so let's talk about estimation.
(Nov 19, 2014)
Project Description as posted on github pages.
(Feb 1, 2013)
Overcoming the Estimation Obsession