(Mar 19, 2023)
I typed in some code with one finger, iPad on my lap last night. Here's a report on how nicely it turned out.
(Mar 19, 2023)
Let's see if we can get this thing to cycle around on the screen. I think it's in hand now. (Didn't work, stopped in middle.)
(Mar 19, 2023)
I think that this morning I'll make the little circle drive around the big one. I could be wrong. (Added in Post: We get a test to run, but don't get to the drawing.)
(Mar 17, 2023)
Now for Something Completely Different: A Codea Lua experiment for Hill.
(Jul 26, 2022)
There is a sticky note on my desk needing attention. Let's attend to it. I have a small concern. Also: smaller steps pay off.
(Jul 24, 2022)
I wonder why I'm doing what I'm doing. Meanwhile, requirements changes to the robot's radar result in some design issues.
(Jul 23, 2022)
I've decided to deviate from the spec to make my work with this example more interesting (to me). I anticipate no real difficulty with this extensive set of changes.
(Jul 22, 2022)
Today I have to find a way to do it right ... and light. How little can I do while still improving the code?
(Jul 21, 2022)
I think we need to improve the map display a bit. We'll spike, and that's going to prove a point that I made yesterday, I hope. Or disprove, in which case we can laugh at me hahaha.
(Jul 20, 2022)
My Customer (me) wants the radar screen rotated to forward = up. The developers (me) are happy to oblige. P.S. Came back later for the thrilling conclusion.
(Jul 19, 2022)
Maybe we need a bit of console display. And I'm sure we'll find some code to improve. Foraging, basically.
(Jul 18, 2022)
Let's not allow movement into obstacles, and maybe penalize moving into pits.
(Jul 18, 2022)
I found a little something. And some other somethings.
(Jul 18, 2022)
I have an idea for something that might be better. But that's not my reason for being here. (And should all ojbects be written for their own convenience? Yes, and ...)
(Jul 17, 2022)
Let's slide in the remaining callbacks, and see what else we can see before brekkers.
(Jul 16, 2022)
My Inner Eddie says we may be in big trouble. Let's find out. ClickBait: Absurd claim at the end.
(Jul 11, 2022)
Let's see if we can get the new connection object to run as if it were on a thread, even though we don't have threads. That should be amusing.
(Jul 10, 2022)
More on TCP/IP. A realization that might have come sooner, but today's OK too.
(Jul 9, 2022)
I've been trying for days to get a decent TCP/IP socket connection working on the iPad, apparently for my sins. So far, I've failed miserably. Today, Saturday, another try.
(Jul 5, 2022)
More on server code. I have an idea. Should I try it? Answer: no.
(Jul 4, 2022)
I think we have only one hard problem remaining. Let's see what we can do about that. MORAL: Don't be like Ron's brother's brother.
(Jul 3, 2022)
Well, I don't know. A bit more on motion. Maybe a start on scan/look? Oh and a better look for the robot?
(Jul 2, 2022)
Let's turn around and go backward, and see whether we begin to see some improvements to how we do these things. RELEARNING: I need smaller steps.
(Jul 1, 2022)
More on Request-Response. Maybe some little objects?
(Jun 30, 2022)
Moving toward standard request-response. Seems about time. But Never would be better. ALSO: A very brief introduction to industry standards of completeness.
(Jun 29, 2022)
I've made a mistake. Or I'm about to make one. Or both. Certainly not neither.
(Jun 28, 2022)
Today we work further toward accommodating the 'spec'. I think we'll focus on the robot status. I think I may rediscover why something is a good idea.
(Jun 27, 2022)
We need to make the robot-world communication a bit more like the spec, and a bit more like client-server. Then we can make more progress. ERRATUM Near the end.
(Jun 26, 2022)
More on the JSON connection. I think I see something symmetric, if not actually easy.
(Jun 25, 2022)
The spec requires us to communicate using JSON. It's time to get started with that. As I type this I wonder something ...
(Jun 24, 2022)
TCP. I think I know what I did wrong yesterday. If I can make this work, it'll help me TDD the server's main loop. Bonus: Kitty!
(Jun 23, 2022)
Let's try more than one connection. Do I need coroutines? Let's try without. LEARNING: I seem not to be able to have multiple connections within this one program.
(Jun 23, 2022)
I'm spiking TCP. Not writing the article as I go. Instead, I'll record bits of progress and what I may have learned.
(Jun 21, 2022)
OK, sockets. At least for a little while. And a conversation with myself. No, I'm OK, really. And thanks to Dave1707.
(Jun 20, 2022)
Let's start by talking about design. Software design. I definitely don't know anything about any other kinds. Interesting thoughts interwoven with vague mumblings.
(Jun 19, 2022)
Let's review some code.
(Jun 18, 2022)
Try again. Fail again. Fail better. Been down so long, it looks like up to me. Summary: Much better.
(Jun 17, 2022)
Let's see about helping the robot understand the new 'look' tables. I feel sure that I'm going to want an object up in this thing. The outcome may surprise you.
(Jun 17, 2022)
Today's demo day. We're good to go, but I think we can do better. Anyway, gotta do somethin'. Anti-Spoiler: I decide not to spoil the code for the sake of maybe a feature.
(Jun 16, 2022)
Rotation Matrices? Why not, might be better. Let's spike. Warning, this is gonna get a tiny bit mathematical.
(Jun 16, 2022)
Awakened by a strong rainstorm, I decided to get up and watch it. I'll code a bit while I do. I'll try to think before, during, and after coding.
(Jun 15, 2022)
So many good ideas. But we need to ship it. We'll talk about that—and get ready to do it! UPDATE: Walking skeleton works!
(Jun 14, 2022)
I think we're ready to draw something. How can we make the drawing more testable? I have a p-baked idea, for small p.
(Jun 13, 2022)
First we do a Lens. Then an amazingly smooth, very long, step by step refactoring. I'm proud of this one!
(Jun 12, 2022)
I have a bit more time and an urge to do some code improvement. Let's see what we can do to make all this a bit easier.
(Jun 12, 2022)
A bit of musing about the world, a bit of planning, a bit of coding. It's Sunday, so this will probably be short.
(Jun 11, 2022)
Working toward a 'walking skeleton'. I think I know what I'd like it to be.
(Jun 10, 2022)
What do skeletons have to do with robots? Could there be more than one skeleton?
(Jun 9, 2022)
Day 2. I did watch a couple of GeePaw's videos. Good news. Thinking ensues. Concerned about Knowledge.
(Jun 8, 2022)
Tuesday night's Friday Night Coding Zoom has hooked me. This is the beginning of the result of that hook.
(Jun 6, 2022)
Completing a refactoring makes a feature easier. Unless I'm wrong, but I'm not.
(Jun 5, 2022)
Apparently not Done-geon. Those missing tests for that trivial code bug me. There's something to learn in here. LATER: A very nice outcome!
(Jun 4, 2022)
Unable to do nothing, I made a 'simple' change to the Dungeon program. It works ... and I don't like it. Later: Sometimes doing the right thing doesn't work out.
(Jun 1, 2022)
Countdown to ... what, exactly? Let's check the yellow sticky notes. Time for a break from Dungeon?
(May 31, 2022)
Let's clean up those free-hanging functions just for fun. It'll make things just a bit better.
(May 31, 2022)
I think that today I might get all the Decor specified for all the dungeon layers that are supported. That's an estimate, and I could be wrong. (Spoiler:not wrong, and some nifty refactoring.)
(May 30, 2022)
Let's work again, on controlling the dungeon layout. My objective this morning is to define at least one level's Decor. I'm extending the story based on feedback.
(May 29, 2022)
No promises, just a look at Tile and its friends.
(May 28, 2022)
This one's gonna be rambling. A design idea keeps coming back to me. I feel that the program would be much better, if ...
(May 26, 2022)
Up-front Design? In Agile? Sure, let's do some. I call it 'thinking'.
(May 25, 2022)
More on improving control over Dungeon creation. And a RAT. And a bear bite, kind of.
(May 24, 2022)
OK, with discussion of ease out of the way, let's get some ease up in this Decor.
(May 23, 2022)
I start out to think about that clever trick and my plans for Decor. Then I change direction based on what I've learned. This has important implications for estimation, COSMIC or otherwise.
(May 22, 2022)
Let's work on the Spike aimed at creating DungeonObjects. Uh oh: Something too clever has been done here!
(May 21, 2022)
Still working on better control over creation of Dungeon Objects. I think I'll do a Decor factory method this morning. I can't think how to test it. The Internet helps me.
(May 19, 2022)
Let's start on the Dungeon Object allocation story. I think we'll start in the middle, or near the bottom. So far, no takers from the pro-estimation folx. UPDATE: Hammond has done CFP for the story! Details tomorrow.
(May 14, 2022)
Some thoughts on something GeePaw said. And I think we'd better complete the fixing of the publish situation. What is `the best we know how`?
(May 13, 2022)
Friday the 13th. That bodes well, always my lucky day. Besides, it was yesterday where I interfered with the canine. (Oh No! He did it again!)
(May 12, 2022)
Time to pick something to do. This always surprises me. Late update: THIS IS NOT GOOD. WE HAVE A MAJOR SHIPPED DEFECT!
(May 11, 2022)
Today I'm going to try to learn something. I wonder if I'll learn what I set out to learn, or something else.
(May 10, 2022)
Loose ends. Finding little things to do. Generalizing from few cases and many years. Delenda Chicago est.
(May 9, 2022)
A bit of thinking and doing with the `publish` feature. Small changes, much thinking.
(May 7, 2022)
'Nothing at all', the game says. What's up with that? And various musings.
(May 6, 2022)
Colin Chapman of Lotus said that to add speed, you must 'add lightness'. Can we add some simplicity up in this dungeon?
(May 5, 2022)
Let's apply some of the ideas from D3 in the curreent Dungeon program. We'll see whether they're a step toward a better design.
(May 4, 2022)
I'm wondering whether I need the complex publishing approach that I'm using in the Queue. Only one way to find out: reasoning fails me. (As always, I wind up somewhere else.)
(May 3, 2022)
More work on the new event-driven scheme. I hope to get to an interesting problem today.
(May 2, 2022)
What have I learned in this Dungeon Crawl? What would I do differently? I've decided to find out.
(Apr 30, 2022)
Yesterday, testing something required my code to be a bit less smooth than I'd have liked. Today I have an idea that I think is going to be quite fine. It's not even too clever.
(Apr 29, 2022)
We need to talk. We need to code, as well. And we need to test. A nice result, a better commitment.
(Apr 28, 2022)
Let's check our stories along the way to better control over the trash, er, treasures in the Dungeon.
(Apr 27, 2022)
Let's do some messages.
(Apr 27, 2022)
What do we do when we find two classes that are rather similar? We make them more similar, of course! (That''s not what happens.)
(Apr 26, 2022)
More work on improving the ability to place Dungeon Objects. Today I want to look at Decor and Loot. What will really happen? I never know until I get into the code.
(Apr 25, 2022)
I saw an interesting contagion-related graph on Twitter and decided to do something like it.
(Apr 25, 2022)
Another run at the current Big Story. Need to find something that will lead me away from confusion rather than into it. Might have to think. Might even have to draw a picture.
(Apr 23, 2022)
More on providing control over placing things in the Dungeon. I'm thinking about changing my mind, but I might change my mind about that. (Spoiler:Bear bites man.)
(Apr 22, 2022)
We're still prepping for the story about better control over what goes into the Dungeon. Some things remain that I'd like to clear up. And a small story!
(Apr 20, 2022)
The FNCS has spoken regarding the defect. I do some smoothing. Multi-signature method? Possibly. I ain't bovvered.
(Apr 19, 2022)
I have shipped a defect, and a serious one. What happened? How could I have avoided it?
(Apr 18, 2022)
Planning Meeting. I'm not sure what to do today, but have some ideas.
(Apr 17, 2022)
Pushing the object further down. What does he mean by that?
(Apr 15, 2022)
Let's look at some of the 'story' cards I've saved up and see what we might work on.
(Apr 14, 2022)
Just a bit more tidying, as Kent Beck puts it. Soon, new features or something. But today is not that day.
(Apr 12, 2022)
My plan for the day is to find a place to try out my clever idea, so that we can look at it in place and decide whether to allow it. Will it stay in?
(Apr 11, 2022)
A bit of Internet dispute about cleverness. When is code too clever to live? I have an example in mind.
(Apr 8, 2022)
A couple of working diagrams. Here's why I think rough diagrams are quite often good enough.
(Apr 7, 2022)
Drug-free, our intrepid author looks upon his works. Does he despair? (Spoiler, No, Mikey likes it!)
(Apr 6, 2022)
Today: Recovering from a couple of days on Nyquil. Is my brain operating?? We'll see.
(Apr 3, 2022)
Gonna refactor you a little bit more ...
(Apr 1, 2022)
I think we'll look at some of the methods that analyze the dungeon as part of building. I'm hoping for a good idea to pop up. TL;DR: Ron is out of kilter, copes, then stops before doing damage..
(Mar 31, 2022)
Back to tiny steps, if I possibly can. And you know what? I bet I can.
(Mar 30, 2022)
My side quest to move dungeon building out of Dungeon class continues. What monster shall I slay today? Let's find out. (Stress level too high. A clue.)
(Mar 29, 2022)
Continuing separation of building from running. Today, narrowing the scope of Tile. An idea for a better way of doing it. A good idea? I'm not sure.
(Mar 28, 2022)
Last time I had part of an idea. Today I have a larger fraction of the idea. Let's see if we can get all the way.
(Mar 26, 2022)
What are you trying to prove, Ron?
(Mar 25, 2022)
Pecking away to reshape things more to our liking. Small steps in roughly the right direction, that's the ticket.
(Mar 24, 2022)
Are we missing some layers in the Dungeon? The classes, not the places.
(Mar 23, 2022)
Reducing the span of concern for Tiles. Seem like a good idea. Will it be too difficult? Let's find out. (Spoiler: Almost, but not too difficult.)
(Mar 22, 2022)
Some tiny improvements ... or are they?
(Mar 18, 2022)
There's probably a bit more to do on isolating dungeon building from dungeon running, but the low-hanging tasty fruit has mostly been harvested. As for larger design improvements, I am at a loss. That may be a good thing.
(Mar 12, 2022)
Plotter or Pantser? Which am I? Which are you?
(Mar 11, 2022)
Let's look at what we've done and see what might be next on our quest to separate building from running the Dungeon.
(Mar 10, 2022)
Let's do some more opportunistic refactoring toward DungeonBuilder. And I have a few thoughts to think about the direction I've taken.
(Mar 8, 2022)
More gentle refactoring in the general direction of DungeonBuilder. No Monty Python reference intended.
(Mar 6, 2022)
Trying again. Last time was a disaster. I'll sum up.
(Mar 6, 2022)
Still trying to drift in a good direction. So far we've just barely improved, if at all.
(Mar 4, 2022)
Oh Hell, let's just do something in roughly the right direction.
(Mar 3, 2022)
Time to set a tentative direction and move that way. I am daunted before even starting. No code today.
(Mar 2, 2022)
I found myself wondering what I'd do with this program if I started over. I shouldn't do that. But what I could do ...
(Mar 1, 2022)
Today I plan to just look for some small opportunities to improve the code. I will be particularly looking for ways to use my fp primitives, and to improve them to make them more useful.
(Feb 28, 2022)
I'm disappointed, at least so far, that my 'functional programming' capability seems not to be helpful in the Dung[eon] program. But maybe there's still hope.
(Feb 27, 2022)
In which: Our intrepid author attempts to find some use for the FP library he has been toiling on for over four hours.
(Feb 26, 2022)
Today, for your delectation, I offer: the Library Trap! (Update: I looked at XSet2.)
(Feb 25, 2022)
Let's see if we can find a decent way to provide filter, map, reduce functions in Codea Lua.
(Feb 11, 2022)
I don't know whether this is good or bad, but it's an interesting trick.
(Nov 28, 2021)
I have a mad scheme for making an object move using applyForce and momentum. (Arrgh, results suggest that we need to file a bug report.)
(Nov 27, 2021)
An experiment by Dave1707 inspires Ron to figure out what's really going on with applyForce. Will he succeed? The answer may not surprise you.
(Nov 26, 2021)
Ooo, an accidental play on words. We're going to change our cube's direction, but also the direction of these articles.
(Nov 24, 2021)
We've learned how to move things using code. It turns out that Codea can handle moving them for us, for fun and profit.
(Nov 23, 2021)
I think we need to learn about Craft physics so that we can tutorialize something about it. This turns out to be a bit of fun.
(Nov 21, 2021)
Here's how you really do that. An improved design for our entities.
(Nov 20, 2021)
A couple of new entities lead to a design concern.
(Nov 19, 2021)
In this tutorial, we'll make our cube move around the 3D volume a bit, then improve how it looks. And we'll improve how we look at it.
(Nov 18, 2021)
Converging on a plan, I decide to do a series of tutorials. Herein, an explanation of what I mean and intend, and the first one.
(Nov 16, 2021)
I'm setting out to learn, again, about Codea's 'Craft' capability, its 3D voxel-based facilities. Today, I'll talk about my reasons, ambitions, and look at some code.
(Nov 12, 2021)
Just because I think I should do SOMETHING, I think I'll improve how CodeaUnit displays results on the screen.
(Nov 10, 2021)
I'm going to try to build a 'fluid interface' feature for Codea's graphical style capability. Why? I don't know.
(Nov 9, 2021)
Let's improve CodeaUnit a bit. But first, what's the deal with iOS shortcuts? An odd report on an odd morning.
(Nov 8, 2021)
Driven by some Slack chatter, I've been thinking about feedback. How does that fit into life, and into this little program?
(Nov 4, 2021)
Some refactoring, and some thoughts on a Twitter thread. And an odd surprise: the code says No.
(Nov 3, 2021)
Rules, rules. TDD rules, Beck Rules, OK. And a cat.
(Nov 2, 2021)
I'm just not up for going back into the Dung mines. Gonna put plain function detection into the stats instead. Also, random subtweeting. Also bear bites man.
(Nov 1, 2021)
At last, I get to apply Dave's scrolling thing. It's simple, and obvious, and I never thought of it. And a couple of stories of a great programmer.
(Oct 31, 2021)
This morning, I plan to add detailed method reporting to the full report. I am expecting no real trouble but have recognized a mismatch.
(Oct 30, 2021)
Let's get some output up in this baby. I plan to steal two good ideas while I do this.
(Oct 28, 2021)
I wonder what we could do about comments. They're tricky.
(Oct 27, 2021)
"If this is his idea of fun, he must be a laugh riot at parties." -- A Reader
(Oct 25, 2021)
Backward? Or forward? Which was it?
(Oct 24, 2021)
We continue working on our little 'Making App', because it's kind of fun. Today, I foresee a 'major refactoring'.
(Oct 23, 2021)
Let's do methods, and try to drive out some objects.
(Oct 21, 2021)
In the interest of variety, let's do some work for the makers here. Let's see how we can collect some interesting statistics from Codea programs.
(Oct 20, 2021)
One small improvement. Then I want to consider the bigger picture: if I were starting over, how would I do this program differently?
(Oct 19, 2021)
Late start today. Not sure what to do. Try the hex map again, I guess. Feeling meh. But it works!
(Oct 18, 2021)
Let's continue to prepare the Dungeon class to work on hexes as well as square tiles. I expect no real trouble. I look forward to learning why my expectations will not be met.
(Oct 17, 2021)
I have in mind a fun small win on the path to hexes: a multiple dispatch. If nothing else, you may be surprised at what I think is fun. (And I do get in the weeds a bit along the way.)
(Oct 16, 2021)
I said I wasn't going to write an article today. Was I wrong? I want to just look around. And some thoughts on self improvement.
(Oct 15, 2021)
I found the defect, and I think I can fix it. Let's find out. Then I rationalizeXXX explain something.
(Oct 14, 2021)
I'm thinking of adding a shark to the game that you can only escape by jumping over it. Today, however, a bit more on Maps.
(Oct 13, 2021)
Already wrote one article today. Not sure about this one. Probably I'll find an acorn somewhere.
(Oct 12, 2021)
Well, I guess there's nothing for it but to forge ahead getting a hex map to draw. I rather regret committing to this idea.
(Oct 11, 2021)
Can I make a hex map in the game yet, or do I need more than a couple of changes? I don't know. Let's try to find out. Spoiler: Not great, not horrible.
(Oct 10, 2021)
Today, I'm going to try a fun exercise to demonstrate Codea's translate, scale, and rotate.
(Oct 9, 2021)
Today my cunning plan is to try to make the Map the primary container of Tiles, and the tiles collection secondary.
(Oct 8, 2021)
My commitment for the day is to be using the new Map objects for something in the actual game. I think I see at least a couple of ways to go. Spoiler: It's in!
(Oct 7, 2021)
Today I'm going to start plugging the new Map classes into the actual Dung program. I expect a little chaos. For large values of 'little'.
(Oct 6, 2021)
Let's keep on drilling. Real soon now, we'll have hexes in the game.
(Oct 5, 2021)
Another idea? A possibly better idea? We don't pay you to think, we pay you to do.
(Oct 4, 2021)
I promise, I'm nearly ready to plug in the new hex coordinates. There's just one more thing that I want to do ...
(Oct 3, 2021)
In Agile, there's no design. Everyone knows that. So why is there so much design in Agile, and how can they go so fast?
(Oct 2, 2021)
No, not really. Cartesian coordinates, perhaps. Yesterday I was optimistic at session end. How will I feel today? Let's find out.
(Oct 1, 2021)
Frequent readers know that I try to keep my code well-organized and well-designed. No one is perfect. Well, I'm not. Today we face mistakes.
(Sep 30, 2021)
Today I'll do the first experiment, or a few of them, putting hexagonal tiles into the Dung program. I expect this to get really messy, but with luck, we learn a lot.
(Sep 29, 2021)
Today I want to step back and write about screen transformations, translate and rotate. They are fairly natural to me, but some folks are not so familiar with these powerful tools.
(Sep 28, 2021)
In a fit of madness, I decided to try to convert the square-tiled Dung game to use hex tiles. Let's see how well my theory of programming holds up. Just inspection and planning today.
(Sep 26, 2021)
I have to face facts: I simply enjoy writing code and making it better.
(Sep 25, 2021)
Today we'll talk about why no one should do what I've been doing the past few days, and intend to do for a few more.
(Sep 24, 2021)
Bill Wake found an interesting site about hexes (not the magical kind) and now I'm not sure what I want to do.
(Sep 23, 2021)
Let's push this Hex spike a bit further, see what we can learn. Come on, it'll be fun. You can hold my beer. Well, chai.
(Sep 22, 2021)
An idea from the Zoom Ensemble last night has caught my attention. Let's explore it.
(Sep 7, 2021)
Two ways of doing a thing appeared on the Codea forum today. I'd like to see whether we can transform the one into the other in small steps.
(Jul 23, 2021)
I mentioned that the dungeon program is boring me on Twitter and asked for ideas. Andreas asked about software design. Practice, folks, practice!
(Jul 21, 2021)
Are we ready to lock classes? Probably not yet.
(Jul 20, 2021)
I'm bored with this program. What shall we do about this?
(Jul 8, 2021)
That Temporal Coupling bothers me. What are some ways to resolve it?
(Jul 7, 2021)
I believe that I have fallen into my own trap, Could this be the end of our intrepid hero? Click on in and see.
(Jul 6, 2021)
Just button highlighting, I guess, unless we see something interesting. Ooo, joy! Some tests!
(Jul 4, 2021)
No idea what I'm going to do this morning. Or too many ideas. Let's find out.
(Jul 3, 2021)
One nice thing. One at a time. One nice thing at a time is enough.
(Jul 1, 2021)
Let's try our new FSM and query logic in the Horn Girl NPC. Watch Jefries add mass duplication and then reduce it!
(Jun 30, 2021)
Those words came up in our Zoom Ensemble last night, and they're part of my theme this morning.
(Jun 29, 2021)
Fantastic day! Completely augured in. Recovered. Brilliant.
(Jun 28, 2021)
OK, I like the Finite State Machine, but I don't like it enough. What can we do to make it better?
(Jun 27, 2021)
Let's get some tests directly on the Finite State Machine. Maybe give it a little shot of YAGNI.
(Jun 26, 2021)
Let's do an experiment with a Finite State Machine, to get a sense of whether we want one.
(Jun 25, 2021)
Extremely Artificial Intelligence: Let's see if we can give our NPC some rudimentary smarts.
(Jun 23, 2021)
A Quest! Let's have a Quest.
(Jun 22, 2021)
Let's try to finish moving InventoryItem to publish-subscribe, and maybe centralize Item creation. And look for Watch This near the end.
(Jun 21, 2021)
Are you wondering why i don't start a new program? There are reasons. Also: let's take the Bus.
(Jun 20, 2021)
Maybe I'll fiddle some more with InventoryItem, Loot, and Decor. Depends what time breakfast is.
(Jun 20, 2021)
Some consolidation and refactoring is what I have in mind. What will I really do? At this moment, I have little or no idea.
(Jun 18, 2021)
I just want to program a bit after all the screed-writing. No promises on what I'll do or whether it'll be any good at all.
(Jun 16, 2021)
I'm at a loss to find anything interesting to do. But I bet I can find some code that could be improved. Thinking about an idea from Bruce Onder leads in an interesting direction.
(Jun 15, 2021)
Well, with that musing out of the way, what shall we program today?
(Jun 14, 2021)
Today I have in mind an improvement to Announcer, because I think it'll be nice and will give us something to wonder about.
(Jun 12, 2021)
In which our intrepid author muses at length and decides to keep on keeping on. And to do some random stuff, no doubt.
(Jun 11, 2021)
Some odds and ends, a nice feature, and a bit of trouble. And the most distracting thing ever!
(Jun 10, 2021)
Let's pretend we care about that inefficiency in drawingOrder. Also a momentary loss of momentum.
(Jun 9, 2021)
I don't usually predict an outcome but today I think something good is going to happen. Let's find out.
(Jun 8, 2021)
Today, more refactoring to remove connections between dungeon objects and their tiles. And, as always, some thinking.
(Jun 7, 2021)
Two starting ideas: Quest, and removing duplication in the dungeon objects. These are not unrelated. And: as so often happens, we go in a surprising direction.
(Jun 5, 2021)
Maybe some wind for my sails. A need for better notes. An idea from Bryan's experiment with Unity. A thought about apps without programming. Everything is hopeless. Not necessarily in that order.
(Jun 4, 2021)
I am really tired of this game. I think I understand why. Is there anything I can do about it?
(Jun 3, 2021)
Doors, or I'll know the reason why! Just in: Ron bites bear!
(Jun 2, 2021)
Let's advance the game, and try to advance our 'making' tech at the same time. This just in: Bear bites Ron.
(May 31, 2021)
Let's set some direction. I'm concerned that I'm off track on what is of value to work on. Possibly it's residual fear from decades ago.
(May 29, 2021)
I think we'll do a bit more on our 'Making App', the part of our code that helps us make the 'Shipping App', the product we ship. (We decide to bless this effort.)
(May 28, 2021)
One more challenge in the class/method finder, then maybe we'll think about what we actually need in our Making App.
(May 27, 2021)
I've had an idea about a change--perhaps an improvement--to the class/method reporter. As I write this, even I don't know what happens next.
(May 26, 2021)
More work on our nascent Making App. Dave1707 has some interesting tricks in his programs. And we have a fine small example of refactoring 'legacy' code.
(May 25, 2021)
Dave1707 from the Codea forum provided an interesting program. I would like to bring it under control.
(May 24, 2021)
Turns out we do a number of small but nice, and somewhat interesting, things. Not much stumbling, sorry. I know you love to see me mess up.
(May 23, 2021)
Let's press on a bit with our learning level. And, I have an idea that may be a bit difficult to implement. Let's hope so.
(May 22, 2021)
'With a little help from my friends', my tests are now fast. All of us are greater than any of us. This is important.
(May 21, 2021)
A bit more on the Learning Level, I think, but I'd really like to make some progress on untangling some mistakes, er, learning opportunities in the code.
(May 20, 2021)
Let's put some announcements in the rooms of the learning level. That should be easy, and it should give us a sense of how designers might want to work.
(May 19, 2021)
I think today I'll work on room announcements. I have a partial idea.
(May 18, 2021)
I have yet another idea about how to handle switching between developer and player modes. This might be what Bruce Onder was talking about.
(May 17, 2021)
Variations on an Idea from the Wild Blue Onder. No success.
(May 17, 2021)
I guess we'll work on the Learning Level, but honestly I'm getting a bit tired of this project. Must think about that.
(May 16, 2021)
A random idea for an interesting dungeon layout may give me some more insight into the tools needed for designed dungeons.
(May 15, 2021)
Still making a place for our new designed dungeon capability to stand. What I'm about to do may surprise you, and raise questions.
(May 14, 2021)
Let's take another swing at moving dungeon creation out of GameRunner. We'll focus on creating our learning level's layout.
(May 12, 2021)
Untangling the knots. Let's see if we can clean up the coupling between GameRunner, tile, and their friends.
(May 12, 2021)
Working toward the Learning Level. Is it time to start on our 'Making App'? We do start. Then we revert.
(May 11, 2021)
Planning the Learning Level. We need to do a bit better than our usual small feature ideas here. Get some shape up in this b- baby.
(May 10, 2021)
The business people--me, with my business hat on--want to be able to better define levels in the game. The tech people--my other hat--get to figure out how to do this.
(May 8, 2021)
We need puzzles. How do we address a big problem like 'puzzles'? Same way you eat an elephant.
(May 7, 2021)
After a brief digression to build polyominoes, we are back in the dungeon. I'm beginning to wonder why. And: Why XP is The Way.
(May 6, 2021)
I was going to move back into the dungeon today, but realized I wanted to talk about what I learned doing the ominoes exercise. Here goes ...
(May 5, 2021)
It is of course necessary to display yesterday's polyominoes, for our viewing pleasure.
(May 4, 2021)
The Zoom Ensemble folks have been playing with polyominoes. I can't resist embarrassing myself by trying them.
(May 2, 2021)
I shipped a defect yesterday. And there was a test for it! What happened?
(May 1, 2021)
More about the crawl. But let's see if we can get the Mimic animated the way we'd like. Unfortunately, these two ideas are not unrelated.
(Apr 30, 2021)
Spikes. My Darling Crawl. And a simple change generates many reverts.
(Apr 29, 2021)
Will this thing never end? More on the Mimic. User(!) concerns. Pluggable behavior.
(Apr 28, 2021)
I'm dismissing my desire to convert to mesh for animation. Let's get that Mimic hiding.
(Apr 27, 2021)
Dave1707 wrote a nice demo showing how to get project information in Codea. Let's think about what it tells us. No code, just think
(Apr 26, 2021)
More with the Animator. Maybe we can get it plugged in today. That would be nice.
(Apr 25, 2021)
Improving the Animation idea. Moar cohesion, less coupling. At least that's the plan.
(Apr 24, 2021)
We're animating our Mimic. Naturally, that leads us to thoughts of coupling, cohesion, and Beck's Four Rules. Naturally.
(Apr 23, 2021)
A bit of a tricky issue today. We want our Mimic to have different animation sequences, depending on what's going on. No other Entity does this at present.
(Apr 22, 2021)
I 'created' new art for an open chest. Then let's see if we can make the Mimic behave differently depending on its mood.
(Apr 21, 2021)
Convert Chests to look like Mimics. Look for other interesting things to do. Short morning today. But some progress.
(Apr 20, 2021)
Let's let the Mimic be oversize. Oh, that works nicely!
(Apr 19, 2021)
There's this thing called a Mimic ...
(Apr 18, 2021)
Today, for fun, I decided to give Decor better query messages. And it was fun.
(Apr 17, 2021)
More work on untangling the objects. Perhaps we'll find some interesting refactoring. Maybe a feature?
(Apr 16, 2021)
We'll start with the garbage collection issue and move on from there. We should be able to remove all Floater's references to GameRunner--if nothing else goes wrong.
(Apr 15, 2021)
Let's drive the bus a bit further. And, I've seen a suggestion for a slightly different angle. We should consider that. Ohhh and a garbage problem!
(Apr 14, 2021)
Let's catch a bus and see what happens. Maybe it will take us to the WayDown.
(Apr 13, 2021)
Once more, into the breach ... is it good luck when Friday the 13th falls on a Tuesday? I may need some good luck.
(Apr 12, 2021)
First, some planning. Then we consider why it's hard to test this thing. What will we decide? I don't know yet. P.S. Turns out to be one of THOSE days.
(Apr 11, 2021)
Alistair found some ancient estimate for a KWIC program and challenged folks to implement it. I'm picking up the challenge.
(Apr 10, 2021)
Deleting tests, not writing tests. A moral issue? Hardly. Also an interesting discovery about InventoryItems.
(Apr 9, 2021)
Some cleaning, I expect. And a user(!) has discovered a defect!
(Apr 8, 2021)
I guess we're going to have to plan a bit today. Maybe a bit more fun with the new more intelligent Decor?
(Apr 7, 2021)
It's interesting how one idea leads to another. I'm sure I have too many ideas now, but some of them seem interesting. The dungeon objects come to life!
(Apr 6, 2021)
After getting my blood flowing with a bit of a rant, let's see if we can get a venomous creature up in this ... place.
(Apr 5, 2021)
I hesitate to say that we'll work on poison and antidotes, the way things have gone, but one of these days it could happen. Is today that day? Click to find out.
(Apr 3, 2021)
Musing on Technical Debt. A very interesting series of tiny commits leading to an important change: my invariant.
(Apr 2, 2021)
We have a defect to fix, and, I suspect, a lesson to re-learn. Then, maybe we'll look at poison and antidotes. And liddle lamzy divey.
(Apr 1, 2021)
I think today I'd like to get started on Poison and Antidotes, and on eliminating death from the dungeon. Is that what I'll do today? Maybe. One never knows, do one?
(Mar 31, 2021)
With a handle on pre-planned dungeon layouts, we need to decide what to do next. Have we squeezed all the juice out of this program yet? No real code today, just one little experiment.
(Mar 30, 2021)
Marketing makes an impossible demand. Can we make it possible? If not, does that mean incremental/iterative doesn't work? Is 'Agile' wrong???
(Mar 29, 2021)
Let's make icons in the Inventory do things. Pick something easy, it's Monday up in here.
(Mar 28, 2021)
A good idea from Bruce. Let's move toward it. I have no real idea how to start.
(Mar 27, 2021)
Ron, why do you write this stuff? And let's get that Pathfinder guy working better.
(Mar 26, 2021)
There's a defect! Also, I'd like to do something about creating a monster who leads you to the WayDown. And there's inventory. But first, the defect.
(Mar 25, 2021)
Let's do some work on inventory items and touch to use. That should be amusing in its fashion.
(Mar 24, 2021)
I'm starting to wonder if we have all the juice out of this program, but there sure is a lot that we could still do. Let's consider some options.
(Mar 23, 2021)
Second shot down. Slices looking good. What shall we do today?
(Mar 22, 2021)
Now that we can slice images, let's see what it takes to plug them in. I'm sure we'll need to adjust how things work.
(Mar 21, 2021)
Images, free stuff, ideas, random thoughts. It's Sunday, cut me a break!
(Mar 20, 2021)
Some planning, then something. Come find out with me. I have no plan for the morning.
(Mar 19, 2021)
I really want to make some progress on the creatures that hang around the WayDown. But first, I am going to write a Coda on CodeaUnit and my simple toolset.
(Mar 18, 2021)
I want to get a creature to lead us to the WayDown. And I feel the need to improve the campground. Also St. Gertude. And, as often happens, we don't go where I expect. Neat outcome, thoughl
(Mar 17, 2021)
Top o' the morning' to ya, and I think we'll be starting on a set-piece today. Unless I change my mind. Also, some ranting about Definition of Ready.
(Mar 16, 2021)
More pathfinding, that's the plan. Testing is likely to be harder than doing.
(Mar 15, 2021)
I think today I'll try some pathfinding. And, yes, I have a story asking for it.
(Mar 14, 2021)
It's Pi Day, Sunday, and I think we'll take a look at our new Strategy object with fresh eyes, if we have any.
(Mar 13, 2021)
What we need here is a Strategy. Well, not so much need. Want.
(Mar 12, 2021)
Thoughts on throwing things away. And let's move these monsters.
(Mar 11, 2021)
A bit more on Monster movement. I'm not certain the implementation is correct. After that, I'll think of something.
(Mar 10, 2021)
Thoughts on 'Tiny Habits', maybe a change to Monster behavior, maybe poison.
(Mar 9, 2021)
A time for healing. Gonna do it this time.
(Mar 8, 2021)
It's International Women's Day here at the dungeon, so let's see whether we can give the Princess the ability to heal.
(Mar 5, 2021)
I noticed something significant last night. Something I don't recall ever really thinking about before. Of course, in 8 decades you forget a lot ...
(Mar 4, 2021)
Today we'll follow up a good idea from an idea source that is new to me. I expect that we'll have an interesting and desirable outcome. Interesting, at least.
(Mar 3, 2021)
Will this thing never end?? Let's take a small cut at inventory.
(Mar 2, 2021)
Implementation inheritance? Why not? A challenge to my betters.
(Mar 1, 2021)
Some small cleanup items. Then ... I don't know, I'll have to wait and see what I do.
(Feb 28, 2021)
Today, I'm going to create a new class to deal with Monsters. And I'll tell you why it's OK to do that. And it'll be in tiny increments!
(Feb 27, 2021)
Hide the WayDown. Make the spikes spikier. A new test, and a smarter DeferredTable improves some code.
(Feb 26, 2021)
We have to set a trap in a hallway. Let's make that more efficient to do. Also, we don't do it in the more efficient way after all. Also invariants. Also: Ron defines 'should'.
(Feb 25, 2021)
I have traps in mind, and smarter monsters. Is that what the day brings? One never knows, do one?
(Feb 24, 2021)
Monster levels should be easy. Then I wander off into code improvement.
(Feb 23, 2021)
Let's get items properly distributed. After that, some leveling, perhaps. I don't know. I'll have to wait and see what I do.
(Feb 22, 2021)
I feel the need to make Dung a bit more like a game, with levels and such. Let's start pushing in that direction.
(Feb 21, 2021)
A second cut at TDDing the music players. Simple isn't easy.
(Feb 20, 2021)
I decide to redo the music playing logic with TDD. Results are mixed.
(Feb 19, 2021)
Music? And then, idk, something else. Maybe refactoring? Poison?
(Feb 18, 2021)
Verbs. Then, who knows?
(Feb 17, 2021)
Today, girls just want to have fun, and so do I.
(Feb 16, 2021)
Combat and the Crawl have been kicking my tail. This does not please me, even a little bit. I'm sure the difficulty is at least partly due to a poor description of the problem, leading to poor solutions. Today I win.
(Feb 15, 2021)
Let's clean some code. Let's also try to make combat more interesting. Let's also try to stay out of trouble. Is that so much to ask? (As usual, the plan changes before long. Also, trouble.)
(Feb 14, 2021)
Happy Valentine's Day. In other news, I have an idea.
(Feb 13, 2021)
A new day dawns. New chai. Consolation from the Zoom Ensemble. Technical debt. And another run at combat.
(Feb 12, 2021)
Wow, he's really dragging this one out, isn't he? Let's do some more Combat, round this out a bit. Later: Things go very wrong. This is a debacle.
(Feb 11, 2021)
Let's work a bit further on combat. I'll start with something easy, but there are some possibly tricky roads ahead. (Plus, Ron comes out against death.)
(Feb 10, 2021)
Let's see how far we can push this 'little language' we're making for combat. I should try something tricky next, to be sure the idea can bear weight.
(Feb 9, 2021)
More on Combat. I have now been advised by my betters on how, possibly, to test this thing. I may have an angle.
(Feb 8, 2021)
Let's start on our new combat logic. But first, those failing tests ...
(Feb 7, 2021)
Now for some magic. How can we get screen effects synchronized with the information crawl? You won't believe this cunning plan!
(Feb 6, 2021)
Everyone thinks they know how I should do combat. There are issues that daunt me. I'm sure there's a pony in here somewhere.
(Feb 5, 2021)
Last night I found a rather embarrassing defect. Fortunately, there are probably lessons to be learned.
(Feb 4, 2021)
More on turn-based. Let's try converting Encounter to a combat round, or writing a new combat round. Or something else.
(Feb 3, 2021)
Input from Bruce. And our turn-based implementation isn't quite good enough yet. I'm not sure what to do about that.
(Feb 2, 2021)
In my roles as Product Owner and Chief Game Designer, I have thrown me in my role as Programmer a curve: We want me to make the system turn-based.
(Feb 1, 2021)
Let's do some more user input. And some planning, not necessarily in any particular order.
(Jan 30, 2021)
You know that thing where they ask you for something no one ever thought they'd ask for? They just asked for it.
(Jan 29, 2021)
Let's talk about some design aspects, starting with the new DeferredTable. Then we'll follow our nose. But there's kind of a paradox.
(Jan 28, 2021)
Let's try a more conventional approach to our deferred collection. First, some words on why it's a good idea.
(Jan 27, 2021)
Let's reach deep into the bag of tricks, and see whether we like what we find there.
(Jan 26, 2021)
Let's use the new Loot object for Health and Keys. That should test the concept and drive out some nice clean generality. (N.B. Plan changes one page in.) Worse yet: hours of confusion!
(Jan 25, 2021)
Loot today. And a possibly interesting problem.
(Jan 24, 2021)
Just some little things. There may be nothing interesting to see here. One never knows, though, do one?
(Jan 24, 2021)
A tricky graphics issue. And about those walls. Is there a problem?
(Jan 23, 2021)
Let's try the wall data. This calls for a slightly different scheme, I think.
(Jan 22, 2021)
An interesting problem. Is there a clean solution, or do I need a bigger hammer?
(Jan 20, 2021)
Random floor tiles, why not?
(Jan 19, 2021)
New Tiles? Torches? Redecorating the Dungeon.
(Jan 19, 2021)
Why do I almost always do something other than I planned to do yesterday? It's a mystery.
(Jan 17, 2021)
Some display work. Then let's start on treasures. I have a cunning plan ...
(Jan 16, 2021)
Damage display, and what about showing attacks? I have a few weak ideas ... WARNING: Big movie files.
(Jan 14, 2021)
Mostly some thinking and planning about behavior. Maybe some code. Now: with movies!
(Jan 13, 2021)
Just a little bit more, for an afternoon's relaxation.
(Jan 13, 2021)
Let's finish up and clean the coroutine message floater, and purge the unused tabs. Then make all the tests run. Then, stick our head up and look around.
(Jan 12, 2021)
More on Encounter coroutine version. Rationalizing not doing much more TDD. Will he be sorry?
(Jan 10, 2021)
I'll save you some reading and trash the first version of this article. I will sum up. Then I'm going to try a coroutine. Hold my chai.
(Jan 9, 2021)
More work on Encounter. I still want the fighters to separate after a round.
(Jan 8, 2021)
Today, more work on combat encounters. I have in mind separating the fighters.
(Jan 7, 2021)
Fortunately, I have programming to distract me. But there's too much going on in there, too. Also: a rather large mistake.
(Jan 6, 2021)
Let's display Encounter results before we enhance it further. This may become tricky, but let's hope not.
(Jan 5, 2021)
More thinking and doing on combat encounters. Can we avoid turn-based?
(Jan 4, 2021)
I'm sorry--I have to do some planning. Then maybe some code.
(Jan 3, 2021)
Tweak attributes. Make some tentative decisions on combat.
(Jan 2, 2021)
Let's try again today to improve the character sheets. I have a new idea. That rarely goes well.
(Jan 1, 2021)
Character sheet for the player today, then a daunting bug, er, defect.
(Dec 31, 2020)
Probably my last article of 2020. Some thoughts on these articles, and the design of OO programs. Perhaps a character sheet for the Player.
(Dec 30, 2020)
I think we need to work on treasures today.
(Dec 29, 2020)
More work on Character Sheets, and a feature idea from Twitter follower WR. Nothing interesting happens.
(Dec 28, 2020)
Levels, treasures, or character sheets, that is the question. The answer is only a bit interesting. One good bit tho.
(Dec 26, 2020)
Monsters. We need more monsters. Bigger, badder monsters.
(Dec 25, 2020)
While I wait to see whether Santa came, I want to enhance Monster movement a bit. This will require the TileArbiter table and code to change.
(Dec 24, 2020)
Not a political idea, but perhaps it should be. But I digress. Let's do on-screen controls.
(Dec 23, 2020)
Let's do some more with the TileArbiter, including plugging it in to actual game play.
(Dec 22, 2020)
If at first you don't succeed, try something different. Sorry, no pics or movies today. Just code.
(Dec 20, 2020)
Probably not THE answer but maybe some small ones.
(Dec 19, 2020)
Brute force FTW, a sound in the silence, and ... I don't know what else yet.
(Dec 18, 2020)
Lighting? Better lighting? In a DUNGEON??? Are you serious?
(Dec 17, 2020)
Let's create a mini-map.
(Dec 16, 2020)
Double dispatch! Chet will be so proud. Or jealous. And Keys!
(Dec 15, 2020)
It's time to put some game-playing features into this thing. That could lead anywhere, but I'm hoping today at least will be easy.
(Dec 14, 2020)
More refactoring: I want more habitable code to work in. Maybe one tiny feature.
(Dec 13, 2020)
Too many notes. Just refactoring today, with reasons why.
(Dec 12, 2020)
More pushing things to Tile. I'm required by law to publish this but I'm not required to like it.
(Dec 11, 2020)
Today I'm interested in learning something about how far to push the 'tile' design. Join me.
(Dec 10, 2020)
Maybe give the monsters a bit of volition. Maybe place them randomly. Maybe some screen controls. Who knows, I just write this stuff.
(Dec 9, 2020)
I believe that the dungeon should have some monsters in it. Let's take a cut at that. Also, I provide an overview of how it works.
(Dec 8, 2020)
I think we should refocus the design a bit, for improved graphics. This promises to confuse me.
(Dec 7, 2020)
Let's limit the Princess's view of the dungeon. I know one way to do that. Let's think of at least one more.
(Dec 6, 2020)
Two nice little things. A short report. Thanks to GeePaw for one of them. A weird explanation for the other.
(Dec 5, 2020)
I'm fairly satisfied with room and hallway generation. It's time to work on what the screen looks like in play.
(Dec 4, 2020)
Let's get some rooms up in this ditch.
(Dec 3, 2020)
It helps if your tests actually check something. Sounds like a good idea, let's try it.
(Dec 2, 2020)
Current plan is to move forward from the little tiled-space experiment, evolving it into a playable game. If I'm right, we should see faster progress. It could happen.
(Dec 1, 2020)
A New Hope, from a New Direction. Yes, that's right, I'm thinking about starting over. Could this be a good idea?
(Nov 30, 2020)
Technical debt, or messy code? Why not both?
(Nov 28, 2020)
Another run at moving into the new hallway rooms and back out again. Fortunately, as I mention at the end, my purpose isn't to show you how smart I am.
(Nov 27, 2020)
Session was a total loss. Do not read: Still working on letting the Princess get out of room one. After creating doorway-hallways as rooms, we're getting close.
(Nov 26, 2020)
So many things to be thankful for here on Thanksgiving. One small one, I hope, is the Rectangle. Then, a wild Andrew appears!
(Nov 23, 2020)
I guess I should work on putting a player in the room and moving her about.
(Nov 19, 2020)
More tiling, trying to make all the floors align.
(Nov 18, 2020)
A new, possibly better idea about room tiling. That may be enough for the day. We'll see.
(Nov 17, 2020)
More like a game, step by step. There's arithmetic involved. I hate that.
(Nov 16, 2020)
There's a bit of tidying up I'd like to do, but I think we have to start making this act more like a game.
(Nov 14, 2020)
The Zoom Ensemble met last night. Our 'work' gave me some ideas. Plus we have an issue to resolve.
(Nov 13, 2020)
My plan, the day notwithstanding, is to get door markers drawn and, with luck, improve the design. But I'm not sure that's what I'd advise.
(Nov 12, 2020)
I wouldn't call them ideas, exactly, but I have some things I want to try.
(Nov 11, 2020)
Is there a difference between creating a better design and discovering one? I think so.
(Nov 10, 2020)
Some thoughts on consistency, clarity, abstraction, and efficiency. A LOVELY REFACTORING!
(Nov 9, 2020)
Feature or improved code? Maybe a feature spike? Who knows, not I.
(Nov 8, 2020)
My recursive pathfinder doesn't work as I thought it did. This cannot endure.
(Nov 7, 2020)
Today I think I need to deal with tiling, or decide that we can do without it.
(Nov 6, 2020)
I've become aware of some issues, as should be expected in a new venture. The question is what to do about them.
(Nov 5, 2020)
Most of what I did yesterday was dreck, detritus, dung. Not very good at all. I plan to revert today and figure out a new plan.
(Nov 4, 2020)
I can't face reality, so I'll keep working on this little imaginary world. At this moment, no idea quite what I'll work on.
(Nov 3, 2020)
Today, I think, separation of the primeval blob of rooms.
(Nov 2, 2020)
Some pals are Zoom-mobbing on a dungeon program that one of us was working on. I'm gonna try one in Codea.
(Oct 28, 2020)
Today, some code review. No big plans. We'll see what we see. I expect to mention Beck's Four Rules.
(Oct 27, 2020)
We'll look at using invader count as a flag to start a new rack. I don't promise to change it.
(Oct 26, 2020)
I don't feel very bright this morning. Let's see if I can prove it.
(Oct 23, 2020)
I have an idea and I can't wait to try it out. Niagara Falls.
(Oct 23, 2020)
Today's plan: Code review, and targets of opportunity. Short morning, just one new class.
(Oct 22, 2020)
Displaying two player score. Beyond that, we'll see.
(Oct 21, 2020)
Attract mode needs to be turned back on. Maybe we should show both players' scores. What about those buttons?
(Oct 20, 2020)
Let's do more on the two-player game mode. We're probably getting to the hard part.
(Oct 19, 2020)
It's time to start on the two-player option. I have ideas but not precisely a plan.
(Oct 18, 2020)
A lesson from history, a surprise refactoring, and, apparently, a sermon.
(Oct 16, 2020)
Not really, but the saucer is looking to score.
(Oct 9, 2020)
Users observe the need for more racks of invaders. That's going to get ... interesting. Also Game Over if they reach bottom.
(Oct 8, 2020)
I've convinced myself that a global would be a better way to handle constants than the singleton. Kill your darlings.
(Oct 7, 2020)
Users have detected a problem. Users, do you hear me? Users!
(Oct 6, 2020)
Improving zombie behavior. Sound adjustments. Maybe more. Maybe less.
(Oct 5, 2020)
Let's take a look at a simple attract mode. Zombies!
(Oct 4, 2020)
More with Singletons. And distractions. And no singletons.
(Oct 3, 2020)
Improving our Singleton and using the idea elsewhere.
(Oct 2, 2020)
There's no reason to think that I'm smarter today than I was yesterday, but I am a bit more experienced.
(Oct 1, 2020)
Touch to Start has me thinking that attract mode might be within reach. Things go Very Wrong.
(Sep 30, 2020)
Saucer Scoring, then whatever makes sense to me at the time.
(Sep 28, 2020)
Another day of improv. Let's see what looks worth doing. (Wow, a factory object!)
(Sep 26, 2020)
What shall we do today? I honestly don't know.
(Sep 26, 2020)
Remarks on a Twitter comment from Jez Higgins.
(Sep 25, 2020)
Another defect. I'm starting to feel ... afraid. That's not a good sign.
(Sep 23, 2020)
Things we might do. And I'm thinking about conditionals. The next trick may surprise you.
(Sep 22, 2020)
I have an idea. Let's find out if it's a good idea.
(Sep 21, 2020)
Maybe some tuning. Do we need more start-up settings? Should the test results disappear? What about a FireControl object?
(Sep 19, 2020)
The world is burning, and I'm really just trying to ignore reality, but in addition, I've made a mistake. Another mistake, that is.
(Sep 18, 2020)
If nothing else, you have to admire me for getting over 100 articles out of ancient video games. Let's do another today.
(Sep 17, 2020)
Better scaling, then more with the saucer, I guess. Plus whatever opportunities we spot.
(Sep 16, 2020)
More with the saucer, that's my plan.
(Sep 15, 2020)
I know the voices in my head aren't real, but they're sure ticked off at me for the past few days of messing up.
(Sep 14, 2020)
Well this goes entirely not as planned. Double Arrgh.
(Sep 12, 2020)
No, not space pirates all of a sudden. I released a fatal defect yesterday. What's up with that?
(Sep 11, 2020)
A couple of small changes to CodeaUnit and my CUBase template. Then let's see what we can improve about Space Invaders. (Saturday: Arrgh, a defect!)
(Sep 10, 2020)
More to do with bombs, especially targeted ones. We need some refactoring as well. The results may surprise me.
(Sep 9, 2020)
I think today we'll work on the bomb timing, and targeting the rolling bomb. Often, what I think will happen is what actually happens.
(Sep 8, 2020)
Let's continue the bomb dropping logic. Our current design can't do what's required.
(Sep 7, 2020)
Speed indicator; Bomb dropping order; Free player, maybe.
(Sep 5, 2020)
Some recovery from repo problems, some work with the clock, whatever else seems right.
(Sep 4, 2020)
The web site with sounds came back, so I'm scarfing them down and starting to install them. Should be mostly straightforward, he said. Except when my repo locked up.
(Sep 3, 2020)
If you're like me, you're wondering what space invaders eat. The answer will surprise you.
(Sep 2, 2020)
Let's damage shields from below, and try to continue small steps toward 'better', whatever we mean by that.
(Sep 1, 2020)
Let's make missiles explode, and continue improving this design.
(Aug 31, 2020)
I want to figure out why this program makes me feel bad. Then do something about it.
(Aug 27, 2020)
Some improvements. But first, a word about less technical matters, the book `x + y`, by Dr Eugenia Cheng.
(Aug 27, 2020)
A bit of planning, a bit of action.
(Aug 26, 2020)
Let's get a start on scoring. This should be easy enough. But--when is too much way too much?
(Aug 26, 2020)
I woke up this morning certain that some of my bitmap calculations were STILL off. Something has to be done.
(Aug 25, 2020)
A bit more exploding. I'm going to continue to let things get messy.
(Aug 24, 2020)
Let's do some damage
(Aug 21, 2020)
It's my ball and if I want to play with it you're not the boss of me.
(Aug 20, 2020)
One of these two things is not like the other ...
(Aug 19, 2020)
If the world isn't flat, how come these invaders keep falling off the edge?
(Aug 18, 2020)
Today we'll try to fix the collision logic to accommodate our origin changes, and to make the invaders explode.
(Aug 16, 2020)
I've moved the good iPad into the TV room and while waiting for our Sunday festivities to start, I'll set up the project's bitmap assets.
(Aug 14, 2020)
Having decided to move to CORNER mode from CENTER, we've got some work to do. I'm hoping this one isn't interesting.
(Aug 13, 2020)
Is it worse luck when Friday the 13th comes a day early? Or a near miss? Time to dig further into bombs failing to miss shields. (Added Friday: It was worse luck.)
(Aug 12, 2020)
I had no plan. Now I have a plan. Check code clarity, then work on shields. Things go ... oddly
(Aug 11, 2020)
Maybe make the invader bombs do some damage? Or what?
(Aug 10, 2020)
My plan for the day is to retrain myself by reading this code that I've not touched for two whole days, and then to see about moving things forward. My guess: invader missiles.
(Aug 7, 2020)
I think today I'll work on making the invaders march back and forth. Right now they just march forth and forth and forth ...
(Aug 5, 2020)
It's 6 bloody AM and I'm programming. What's up with that?
(Aug 4, 2020)
Let's see about extending our square invaders game-like thing to be a bit more like a game.
(Aug 3, 2020)
Twelve articles and no product. What's up with that?
(Jul 22, 2020)
In the real game, the invaders' missiles eat away at the shields. How can we duplicate this effect?
(Jul 21, 2020)
An experiment and some planning. Then even some doing.
(Jul 20, 2020)
Learnings from the ancient scrolls. What shall we do about them?
(Jul 18, 2020)
This one is mostly for the record, if it goes as planned. I'm just going to import some more bitmaps. I recommend against reading this.
(Jul 17, 2020)
Let's see what happens if we try to refactor our little spike into something reasonable.
(Jul 16, 2020)
A bit of an idea about marching, and thoughts about spikes.
(Jul 15, 2020)
I need an idea. Representation is important.
(Jul 14, 2020)
I'm wondering how to move these invaders. Let's do an experiment.
(Jul 13, 2020)
Dave1707 from the Codea forum shows a much better approach to converting the bitmaps.
(Jul 11, 2020)
Importing Invaders. How hard could this be?
(Jul 10, 2020)
I'm having so much fun with Asteroids that I thought I'd look at the old Space Invaders game. I'm sure I'll learn something.
(Jul 9, 2020)
Let's clean up that level handling a bit.
(Jul 8, 2020)
Unfortunately, we need to take things to whole new levels. This'll be fun. (Later: not as interesting as some, but it has its moments.)
(Jul 7, 2020)
Let's get some more modernization up in this baby. I'm sure it's the only reason we aren't selling millions.
(Jul 6, 2020)
Let's see about reducing a Singleton or two, and maybe some more modern graphics.
(Jul 6, 2020)
Our marketing people have a challenging request: modernize the look of this game.
(Jul 2, 2020)
It could happen: I've figured out a good way to handle these callbacks.
(Jul 1, 2020)
We'll continue our code review, with particular attention to our tweens, especially that tricky one.
(Jun 30, 2020)
I feel like reviewing some code. What I learn? Kill your darlings.
(Jun 29, 2020)
We're nearly done here!
(Jun 29, 2020)
Some tweaks to hyperspace seem in order, but I feel that this thing is nearly done.
(Jun 27, 2020)
Enhance Hyperspace?
(Jun 26, 2020)
Perfect saucer shots and a start on hyperspace.
(Jun 25, 2020)
Let's put in some options.
(Jun 25, 2020)
Let's clean up the Aimer and look around. I think we need options.
(Jun 24, 2020)
I really want to crack missile targeting. I've made some observations.
(Jun 22, 2020)
Two things go right. One thing goes horribly wrong
(Jun 20, 2020)
Free ships. Beyond that, maybe some reorganization? No, more like confusion.
(Jun 19, 2020)
Let's finish up the small saucer, and how about testing it this time?
(Jun 18, 2020)
Ships Remaining Indicators. After that, who knows?
(Jun 17, 2020)
After some discussion of things we might do, we decide to do GAME OVER. The results will surprise you.
(Jun 16, 2020)
Run tests automatically, dribs, drabs, and oddities. Pretty calm.
(Jun 15, 2020)
Today I plan to give the saucer the ability to aim its shots. I anticipate zero trouble.
(Jun 13, 2020)
A bit of planning and a bit of doing.
(Jun 12, 2020)
Not really an answer, but just a bit of fun.
(Jun 11, 2020)
Some sound, and saucer needs to stop helping so much.
(Jun 9, 2020)
Let's do collisions. And try to TDD them.
(Jun 9, 2020)
We move saucer and ship in the direction of our new scheme, and get rid of the cloning of the collection. Also took a nice walk.
(Jun 8, 2020)
We made a number of useful changes last time. Let's harvest some value.
(Jun 8, 2020)
I'm sure my double dispatch approach will work fine. But the pattern seems simpler than that ...
(Jun 7, 2020)
Some thinking and working on collisions. Is Ron converting to London School???
(Jun 6, 2020)
I've determined that it's time to collapse some 'technical debt', in small, incremental steps.
(Jun 6, 2020)
We need to improve collision detection. I think we have to do it in one go.
(Jun 5, 2020)
I think this afternoon I'll just push a little further on the saucer. Maybe make it dangerous.
(Jun 5, 2020)
I've decoded how to draw the saucers. Let's see about making them fly. That will require some research.
(Jun 4, 2020)
Some rationale, an experiment, some learning, some protection.
(Jun 3, 2020)
We start asteroids on the edge, which gives us an edge on refactoring.
(Jun 3, 2020)
A new approach to steering. And an apology.
(Jun 1, 2020)
I found some better recordings of the Asteroids sounds. And it's time to trigger new waves.
(May 31, 2020)
Stereo, because I can.
(May 30, 2020)
Based on the 'learning' from #25, let's just make bigger buttons.
(May 30, 2020)
Today I decided to experiment with improved controls. The experiments, um, succeeded oddly.
(May 29, 2020)
New ship, new sounds, learn new tricks, amaze your friends, confuse your enemies. Apply now! UPDATED!
(May 28, 2020)
I think today we'll do waves of asteroids. And some tests.
(May 27, 2020)
I've made yet another mistake. Will the embarrassment never end?
(May 27, 2020)
I reckon it's time to kill the ship when it's hit by an asteroid. I have a clever way to do it and a direct way. Which is best?
(May 26, 2020)
I'm feeling like coding a bit this evening. So stand back.
(May 26, 2020)
Thinking about tests and refactoring. The boss wants a feature.
(May 25, 2020)
I think it's time to move more toward objects. Part of our mission is to decide what we like. And: 'No large refactorings!'
(May 25, 2020)
I thought I knew what we had to do today but I was a bit mistaken. We need more, and better thinking ... and code.
(May 24, 2020)
Just arriving 'at work' this morning, I'm thinking we'll make the Ship move. We need a safe place to land first. EDIT: Arrgh, a defect!
(May 23, 2020)
A report on last night, and a 'major' refactoring. P.S. There is no such thing as a major refactoring.
(May 22, 2020)
A quick report on a short project last night, then let's try to get something nearly playable.
(May 21, 2020)
I looked up tween and my tween example and it seems like just the thing. Let's find out.
(May 21, 2020)
First, I'm really feeling the need to improve this code. But maybe it's too soon to do good work? Plus explosions.
(May 20, 2020)
Displaying different shaped asteroids is nice, but we have an issue of size we might work on for a bit. And let's split them!
(May 20, 2020)
Having converted the 6502 asteroid shapes to Codea style, let's plug them in. This design is starting to bug me, and we'll think about that too.
(May 19, 2020)
Dave1707 offers a much better idea for the conversion of Asteroids graphics into Codea. Let's explore it.
(May 18, 2020)
I found the definitions of the asteroid shapes in DVG language. Let's draw them in Codea.
(May 17, 2020)
I spent last night decoding some graphics chip code on computerarchaeolgy.com, and I managed to draw an Asteroid in the classic style. Today, a look at what I found out. Updated: New Resource.
(May 16, 2020)
I've decided how buttons should work. It only remains to make it so.
(May 15, 2020)
To move forward with this project, the ship needs to be able to move forward. And turn. And fire ...
(May 14, 2020)
OK, Asteroids doesn't have a horizon, but today we'll start on the ship. Shouldn't be too hard: it's a triangle.
(May 13, 2020)
I needed to test some floats the other day. Let's improve CodeaUnit to help with that.
(May 13, 2020)
Today we'll clean up the code a bit. It really needs it.
(May 12, 2020)
Today I decided to draw two square asteroids at random angles. All's well that ends well, but I did get confused.
(May 11, 2020)
For something to do, and because it might be helpful to new Codea users, I'm going to implement an homage to the old Asteroids game.
(May 5, 2020)
The Gilded Rose 'kata' exists in many languages, but I've not seen Codea Lua. Maybe I should fix that bug. This is pretty boring. Skim, don't read. Needed for the record.
(Mar 22, 2020)
Wow. Shapr 3D is neat! I wish I could use it. It's so cool I might warp my process just to fit it into my plans.
(Mar 18, 2020)
This may be the most powerful most frustrating 3D application ever created.
(Mar 17, 2020)
To create reasonable creatures or vehicles, I'd need a decent 3D object creation tool. Ideally, since this is an iPad project, an iPad app.
(Mar 11, 2020)
I am supposedly on a course to make the Orc stay within bounds of our little world. Today might be the day ...
(Mar 9, 2020)
It's probably time to work on behavior, so I want to take a bit of time to look forward at what we might do, might not do, and probably won't do.
(Mar 8, 2020)
It's Sunday. My long-suffering wife is prepping for the upcoming election. On my own, I decided to spike motion for my game creature.
(Mar 7, 2020)
I've decided a bit about the 'game' I'm writing in Codea. This should keep me off the streets for a while.
(Mar 3, 2020)
I've been reading examples and searching the web about terrain generation and I'm ready to start sharing. Brace yourself, this gets pretty random.
(Feb 28, 2020)
I feel I've got my feet firmly on the grass, dirt, and bedrock, and I can see what I'm doing. Time to become confused again.
(Feb 27, 2020)
I think I nearly have a solid place to stand: a tiny application that I understand pretty well. Today we'll clean it up and see what's next.
(Feb 25, 2020)
There's trouble, my friends, right here in river city. Is this little project serving my needs? Am I about to break through to the other side ... or to break through the ice and freeze?
(Feb 17, 2020)
We're at a fairly clean point right now. There are a couple of small topics in the code to consider, but we need to figure out a plan for what's next.
(Feb 17, 2020)
Owing to driver error, I lost all my code versions for the Orc program. We'll speak of recovery and then move on.
(Feb 11, 2020)
In response to some question on the codea.io forum, Dave1707 showed me a neat trick with text. It taught me something, and raised some questions.
(Feb 7, 2020)
The bird experiment worked pretty well. Now it's time to clean it up and consolidate what we've discovered.
(Feb 5, 2020)
I've made a couple of objects move, in two different ways. I figure that topic is spiked. What should I look at next? This session is gonna be rambling, I'll wager.
(Feb 4, 2020)
Today I'll build a different kind of creature, who moves differently from the Orc. The idea is to build up an understanding of where the design needs improvement in terms of flexibility or clarity.
(Feb 3, 2020)
Today I'll review the code, and think about whether to build in some object thinking. I want to ... but should I?
(Jan 31, 2020)
Last time I managed to make a fairly simple Codea Craft program draw an Orc standing on (or near) the floor. Today I plan to make him move a bit, and then to see what I've learned.
(Jan 30, 2020)
Yesterday I managed to move an Orc, by hacking a sample program. Today, let's try to do a clean version to consolidate our learning and ask ourselves some questions. Maybe even begin to answer some ...
(Jan 29, 2020)
I begin trying to make sense of Codea's ambitious and powerful Craft components.
(Mar 4, 2019)
First some refactoring - then some behavior.
(Mar 4, 2019)
I decide to follow Braitenberg's approach a bit more closely, driving the wheels at different speeds rather than rotating the vehicle.
(Mar 4, 2019)
Let's Turn - making our little guy turn. And see the comments on Gross Hackery at the end of the article.
(Mar 4, 2019)
I'm playing in Codea with 'Braitenberg Vehicles', just for fun. I'll be sharing what I do with you all.
(May 27, 2016)
Over the past few days, an ancient twitter thread accidentally revived, talking about how you don't need quality code when you're just validating assumptions. What do the ants have to say about that?
(May 24, 2016)
Tozier and I did a little work on the ants experiment. Lessons are beginning to be learned.
(May 17, 2016)
Tozier posed an interesting problem today, and we decided to work on it at the coffee shop.
(Apr 21, 2016)
I found this picture of a roulette wheel. I wonder how hard it would be to make my little game use it.
(Apr 20, 2016)
Let's finish wiring up our second pass at Jim Jeffries' roulette example, and see what we can see.
(Apr 19, 2016)
I felt I owed it to myself to do Jim Jeffries' roulette exercise, this time with more tests. You won't believe what happened next. (Sorry, I have a click-bait virus.)
(Apr 18, 2016)
Jim Jeffries (no relation) proposed a TDD exercise / challenge. I took it on. The results may surprise you. (Sorry.)
(Sep 5, 2012)
It's time to tell you a bit about the point of this little game we're working in.
(Aug 29, 2012)
In this episode, the code tells us to move toward a subordinate drawable object, the Polyline. We listen.
(Aug 25, 2012)
I'm starting to work on an application in Codea, a Lua system for the iPad. Here's the first spike.